Posted Jan 27, 2023, 6:05 AM
We often talk with common sense but with a wet finger about the health benefits of gardening. The practice of exercise in the open air and, for those who consume their production, the dietary intake of fiber and trace elements can only be beneficial a priori. But few studies have really demonstrated this. This is why that of the University of Colorado at Boulder, published in The Lancet Planetary Health in January is useful. 291 adults aged 41 on average, non-gardeners and mostly on low incomes, were offered the possibility of cultivating, in the spring, a plot of land in a community garden with the supply of seeds, seedlings, and a course. of introduction. Assessment in the fall, after a follow-up and various biological examinations: fiber consumption up 7%, forty-two minutes of weekly physical exercise in addition, less stress and anxiety, better mental health.
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