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Gard: the tax authorities paid 145 million euros in aid to companies

The solidarity fund managed by the tax services continues to expand.

Since last March, tax officials have been managing the solidarity fund quickly set up to deal with the coronavirus crisis. The departmental director of public finances of Gard (DDFiP), Frédéric Guin, takes stock of this device, initially intended to support very small businesses and professionals affected by the first confinement and which has since continued to expand.

What are the latest developments in the solidarity fund?

The government has now extended the system to companies of all sizes in great difficulty. This fund, mainly financed by state and regional credits, is a non-refundable subsidy intended to support, among other measures, the cash flows of companies. The maximum amount of aid was first capped at € 1,500 per month, then it was increased to € 10,000. Last December, it experienced a further increase since it can now represent up to 20% of the figure within the limit of € 200,000 per month.

Has this fund experienced a rise in the Gard?

On January 7, € 145 million had been paid into the Gard as part of the solidarity fund. This is quite significant compared to the billion euros allocated to the whole of Occitania. In all in the department, 25,336 companies were concerned, for an average amount of € 5,713 per company, and not per month, with major differences depending on the case.

How is the Gard situated at the national level?

From the start, the Gard has been above the national average. This is explained by the structure of the economy of the department which is, at the same time, strongly composed of very small businesses and very concerned by service or commercial activities linked to tourism.

Which professional sectors of the department have requested the solidarity fund the most?

Since the start of the crisis, three business sectors have been the most affected. Trade with 19.2%, construction with 15% and a little below, accommodation and catering.

Has the device been recently opened to new activities?

Yes, there are specific provisions for retail businesses established in ski resorts. The amount of aid can range between 1,500 and 10,000 €. It is obviously marginal in the Gard but 17 municipalities are targeted in the department. A second measure is aimed at wine growers with compensation of up to 20% of turnover. The link with Covid-19 is less clear here. It is clearly a support system for the wine industry in the context of taxes on the American market.

How can companies formulate their requests?

A digital form is available on the specific space of each company manager on “impots.gouv.fr“. You just have to fill in the questionnaire in the most rigorous way. We validate and send. And if all goes well, a simulator calculates the amount of aid in relation to the declaration. And subject to restrictions related to special checks, the sum will be paid in a few days. The form for the month of December has been online since January 15. And companies have until February 28 to make their requests. For more information, you can call our services on 0 806 000 245.

Can companies which have already received aid renew their applications?

Yes, subject to eligibility criteria, the fund can be requested monthly. It will undoubtedly be maintained throughout the duration of the crisis.

Public finances are reorganizing

As part of the reorganization of its branches, still contested by the unions internally, the DDFiP has decided in particular to maintain the permanent presence of its services in Uzès and Vigan for individuals and professionals. “In the current context, this should help reassure companies that may have feared having to travel within the territory” insists the departmental director of the DDFiP, Frédéric Guin. “The promise that the initial project which provided for a certain number of additional closures was not final and that we were going to listen to both sides was kept. In the end we will increase by 50% the number of municipalities covered by a welcome of our services. “

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