Home » today » News » Gao Hongan “You Lu An” Ke Wenzhe, forked cat, reacts: maybe your underwear is made in China

Gao Hongan “You Lu An” Ke Wenzhe, forked cat, reacts: maybe your underwear is made in China

Democratic Progressive Party mayoral candidate Taoyuan Zheng Yunpeng went to the mainland to do business, but his family record said “Taiwan, China” and was encircled and repressed by the blue field, but the Internet’s famous four-pointed cat has questioned. she is “You Lu An”. Taipei Mayor Ko Wenzhe, chairman of the People’s Party, replied that it is good not to double the standards of the party. Sometimes you just think too much, like it’s the product of ideology, and it’s even more acidic, maybe it’s on the underwear he’s wearing, and it’s written in China.

Huang Shanshan, Taipei mayoral candidate without party membership, believes that the four-legged cat should go to Zheng Yunpeng, his patent is not the same? He helplessly expressed the hope that everyone can still do what they should do every day.

The four-pointed cat posted yesterday on Facebook, who hasn’t eaten tofu like this while doing business in China? Lan Ying wanted to cancel “Zheng Yunpeng earns red money or is a member of the Green Communist Party and the Red Communist Party.” However, she accidentally pulled out Gao Hongan’s previous Chinese patent application, which also said Taiwan, China, and claimed that the Kuomintang would immediately ask Lin Gengren to take it. Playing with Gao Hongan was also thought of the slogan, go wash Gao Hongan version is “Friend Luan”.

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