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Ganjar Pranowo’s Appearance in Call to Prayer Video Sparks Controversy


The emergence of the figure of the PDIP presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo in the call to prayer on television stations (TV) it is in the spotlight. PKB alluded to the appearance of Ganjar’s image as an image.

“We are sure that the intelligent public will think that it seems like they have run out of ideas for imagery, so the call to prayer has finally been ignored,” said PKB Vice Chairman, Jazilul Fawaid, to journalists, Saturday (9/9/2023).

However, Jazilul considered it a good thing if Ganjar appeared in the call to prayer video. He also admitted that he would be happy if he became a prayer leader.

“Good, good, we are happy, especially if he becomes a prayer leader and is fluent in reading Al-Fatihah, we will reply with a loud AMEN,” he said.

Jazilum said the ‘amen’ referred to was the word said after reading the Al-Fatihah letter. It is known that PKB cadres have proposed that the acronym for the pair Anies Baswedan and Muahimin Iskandar is AMIN.

“After the Fatihah the answer will be ‘amen’. That’s up to the interpreter,” he explained.

Furthermore, Jazilul also invited Bawaslu to study the call to prayer video which displays Ganjar’s image. He hopes that the assessment will be carried out objectively.

“Please Bawaslu review it objectively and openly, so that no one is accused of identity politics or using the prayer facility ‘azan’ for campaign advertising,” he said.

Is known, Ganjar Pranowo appeared on the evening call to prayer on a TV station. The show was widely highlighted and linked to identity politics.

In the video seen detikcom, Saturday (9/9), the evening call to prayer opened with natural views of Indonesia. Then, Ganjar appeared to welcome the congregation who were going to pray.

Ganjar was seen wearing a white koko shirt, black cap and batik sarong. He greeted and invited the congregation who came to enter the mosque.

Ganjar also appears when he is performing ablution before prayer. Ganjar sat in the front row as a makmum.

Bawaslu also responded to this. Bawaslu Chairman Rahmat Bagja said that his party would investigate the call to prayer broadcast.

“A study will be carried out, wait Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,” said Bawaslu Chairman Rahmat Bagja when confirmed, Saturday (9/9/2023).


2023-09-09 23:53:45

#PKB #Participates #Highlighting #Ganjar #Appearing #Azan #Bawaslu #Review #Objectives

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