Home » News » Ganjar Pranowo Reacts to Kaesang Pangarep’s Confusion in First Presidential Debate

Ganjar Pranowo Reacts to Kaesang Pangarep’s Confusion in First Presidential Debate

BEKASI, KOMPAS.com – Presidential candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo, responded to the statement by the General Chair of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) DPP, Kaesang Pangarep, who admitted that he did not understand his position in the first presidential debate, 12 December.

He then mentioned that as a politician you should not be confused so that you can be intelligent in looking at society’s problems.

Ganjar said, in politics, a politician needs to continue learning all the time.

“Because politicians must not be confused, politicians must be able to respond well,” said Ganjar when met after opening the Ganjar-Mahfud Cup tournament in Bekasi City, West Java, Saturday (16/12/2023) morning.

Also read: Kaesang: Mr. Anies has changed, Mr. Prabowo continues, If Mr. Ganjar I’m confused

Ganjar only responded briefly to Kaesang’s statement. He then mentioned the vision of candidate pair number 3, namely the Superior Indonesian Fast Movement.

“We are fast and superior,” concluded the former Governor of Central Java.

Previously it was reported, Kaesang Pangarep mentioned the presentation of presidential candidate (candidate) number 3 Ganjar Pranowo in the first presidential election debate on December 12 2023.

According to Kaesang, presidential candidate number 1 Anies Baswedan’s statement was clear with its changes. Likewise with presidential candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto who is determined to continue the government of President Joko Widodo.

However, Kaesang admitted that he was still confused about the direction of Ganjar’s statement.

Also read: Giving Support to Gibran, Kaesang Will Attend the Vice Presidential Debate

“Number one is for change, I think Mr. Anies yesterday, whatever he said was missing, later it will be changed, anything will be changed,” said Kaesang at the PSI DPP Office, Jakarta, Friday (15/12/2023), quoted from Kompas TV.

“If Mr. Prabowo is clear, he will continue. Indeed, for Mr. Ganjar, I’m still confused about his positioning,” continued Kaesang.

Kaesang also reminded the public that if they want to continue with the current government, that is by electing Prabowo. Meanwhile, if you want change, choose Anies.

“Actually, overall, I have to admit that Mr Anies’ delivery method yesterday was quite good,” he added.

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2023-12-16 05:39:00

#Responding #Confused #Kaesang #Ganjar #Politicians #Respond #Kompas.com

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