Home » today » News » Ganjar Pranowo Explains Mother’s Day Clothes Change in Second Debate with Mahfud Md

Ganjar Pranowo Explains Mother’s Day Clothes Change in Second Debate with Mahfud Md


Presidential candidate number 3 Ganjar Pranowo explains the reasons for himself and his cawapres Mahfud Md changed clothes during the final session of the second debate. Ganjar said the change of clothes was a form of celebrating Mother’s Day.

“Yes, this is Mother’s Day,” said Ganjar after the second debate, at the Jakarta Convention Center, Friday (22/12/2023).

Ganjar also wished him a happy Mother’s Day. He said that pink and purple clothes are colors that are synonymous with women.

“We celebrate the two colors that mothers usually wear, purple and pink. Because today we say I love you, mother,” he said.

Previously, Mahfud Md changed his clothes when he was about to enter the final segment of the Cawapres debate. Mahfud wearing a pink shirt that says ‘Test Bag’.

detikcom monitoring at the Jakarta Convention Center, Friday (22/12/2023), initially the moderator called the debate participants to come up to the stage. Vice presidential candidate number 1 Muhaimin Iskandar and vice presidential candidate number 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka have already stepped onto the stage.

Mahfud was the last participant to go on stage. Mahfud is seen changing clothes.

Initially Mahfud wore traditional clothes from Madura, East Java. During the break to the last segment, Mahfud changed clothes into a pink shirt that said ‘Task Bag’.

The same thing was done by presidential candidate number 2, Ganjar Pranowo. He also changed his clothes into a pink shirt that said ‘Sat Set’.


2023-12-22 17:46:50

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