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Gaming platforms would be regulated at European level

The initiative comes from the German Ministry of Justice.

A Handelsblatt information the ministry came up with the idea that the increasingly popular gaming platforms should be regulated at European level and comprehensively. Christian Kastrop, Secretary of State in the German Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, stressed that in places where millions of young people are present and communicating with each other every day, there can be no “blind spots” in the fight against crime.

The ministry therefore wants to address the issue of stricter regulation of online gaming platforms during the negotiations on a draft EU law called the Digital Services Act (DSA). Kastrop believed that the DSA should regulate the area so that content that is punishable and endangers youth could be deleted very quickly in the future. According to the politician, action is needed because, due to the coronavirus epidemic, many more people are present in online gaming worlds and those affected are exposed to more serious threats (cyberbullying, molestations, etc.). These systems cannot be “lawless areas” and crimes must be consistently prosecuted by the state on the gaming sites as well.

A study commissioned by the ministry showed that there are no more classic players. Most users play on their smartphone, laptop or tablet and spend more and more time doing so. In the case of crimes against children, contact research is becoming increasingly difficult, especially on online gaming platforms and related chats. In addition to amending the DSA, Kastrop also considered it important to change the German Telecommunications Act in order to best protect children and young people from online dangers. The Secretary of State has stated that everyone must be given the right and opportunity to defend himself against threats and crimes against him.

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