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GameStop: US Securities and Exchange Commission investigates ›sharedeals.de

Manuel / 10.06.21 / 10:40

The GameStop paper favored by WallStreetBets (NASDAQOTH: A0HGDX) was in an upward trend before the new quarterly figures. Today GameStop shares trade around -15% lower from Wednesday’s high of $ 328. An SEC note joins the very good results and a new CEO.

GameStop scores with less than expected loss

The US video game retailer from Dallas put in the reporting quarter 1.28 billion US dollars or 25 percent more than in the previous year, but continues to write losses. For the quarter, GameStop reported a loss of $ 0.45 per share – far less than analysts had predicted.

New CEO and CFO – both from Amazon

When it comes to personnel, Ryan Cohen’s Company has again announced two prominent newcomers from Amazon, including former Australian boss Matthew Furlong – he is GameStop’s new CEO. Mike Recupero, also an Amazon man, will take the position of chief financial officer. GameStop also mentioned that it will issue 5 million new shares as needed.

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