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Gamescom Opening Night Live will present more than 20 video games

The emergency that the world is in, due to the COVID-19 virus, has caused different face-to-face video game events to be canceled or reinvented to be able to be seen digitally.

One of the first to confirm his format change was Gamescom, the well-known video game fair that annually attracts thousands of fans in the city of Cologne, Germany, and that always reveals a good number of new video games.

The expected will soon happen Opening Nigh Live of Gamescom which is a prelude to what is normally shown in said event, and according to its presenter and creator, Geoff KeighleyThis time, more than 20 new titles will be shown.

At the moment it is not known what titles will be shown, if they will be all new or if there will be repetitions of other events that show progress in development, one of those confirmed is the first expansion of Doom Eternal and The Ancient Gods.

We will have to be attentive to know the developers and games that will be confirmed as we advance until the date of the event that will be next August 27, 2020.

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