The time for the main annual activity is approaching – choosing the best (and not so good) games. Every year, the editors, not without internal conflicts, determine the categories and nominees. The boundaries of genres are being erased, and not many game projects are being released from year to year.
This is what we’re talking about. During the discussion of the 2023 nominations, it was decided that the fate of some categories should be decided by you. Only your votes are decisive when summing up the results of the year, which means you also decide what to vote for, right? Voting for categories will last only a week. You will learn the results after the main voting starts.
The top 3 categories will be included in the final voting, provided they receive at least 500 votes. What does it mean? For example: two categories will get 2 and 1.5 thousand votes, and all the rest will get 100-300, then only two who have overcome the minimum threshold will get into the vote.
PS Under the spoiler you can see a brief description of each nomination to understand what will be included in them.
Spoiler alert
Best support from developers
(The developers continue to actively support the game by releasing updates and listening to the community. There may be both single-player and multiplayer games here.)
Best Online Game
(Not only games released in 2023 are taken into account, but also those that remain relevant.)
Best Mobile Game
(To pass the time and more. Cross-platform projects are taken into account.)
Best VR
(Games that can justify having a full VR headset.)
Best Rogue-Like
(This is the roguelike you spent the most time in. Simple concept, but addictive gameplay.)
Best Supplement
(An addition that, if not overshadows the main game, is not inferior to it in quality.)
The most important event
(An event or phenomenon in the gaming industry that, in your opinion, was the most resonant and/or will have far-reaching consequences for gaming in general)