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Games, movies and books to teach children the importance of water

Water is one of the most precious assets on planet Earth, but it is a scarce resource. What’s more, The UN warns that the effects of climate change negatively influence the quantity and quality of available water globally to meet basic human needs.

Only 0.007% of the water that exists on the planet is drinkable, a figure that is reduced year after year due to contamination. 40% of the world’s population lacks direct access to drinking water sources, which causes great inequalities and injustices.

Only 0.007% of the water that exists on planet Earth is considered drinkable according to the UN

In the first world, turning on the tap so that clean water comes out is something that is taken for granted. The lack of awareness of the privilege that this implies leads, on many occasions, to wasting that precious water. “It is a task for everyone, not just for governments. We all have a role to play. In our daily lives, there are surprisingly easy steps we can take to address the issue of water and climate change, “says Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary General.

Instilling in the little ones the importance of using this resource correctly is essential. In addition to talking and reflecting on the subject, turning it into a game is a great way to promote responsible consumption.

Games and activities


Polluted water

After putting clean water in a bowl and pouring a tablespoon of oil, try to remove the oil without emptying the plate. It can be tried with cotton, fabrics, a strainer, spoons … But will it be as pure as at the beginning? Would it be suitable for drinking? This game will show you the difficulty of cleaning polluted water and the need not to make it dirty.

Water trivia


An aquatic trivia

Doing a quiz with questions inspired by facts and curiosities about water can be a fun and enriching game. How many liters do we spend when showering? What percentage of drinking water is there in the world? At what temperature does water freeze? It can be played individually or in teams.

The fish say it


The fish say it

Design various shapes and sizes of fish and octopus silhouettes on cardboard, felt or rubber. Then put water saving tips and put them all over the house. For example, turning off the tap while brushing your teeth or showering instead of taking a bath. The whole family should listen to aquatic animals!

Water changes


Water changes

Put several ice cubes in an empty can, add salt and mix very quickly. The ice will cool the can and adding salt will help the ice melt at a faster rate. The air droplets will stick to the surface of the can creating frost. Afterwards, the can can be placed in the sun to see how it turns into a liquid state.

An ecological garden


An ecological garden

Creating a small vegetable garden in the garden or on the terrace will help children to discover the needs of crops, what to do to preserve plants, the importance of watering … It will not only be fun, but it will teach them to use the water responsibly and invite them to eat vegetables.

Books, series and movies

The water princess


The water princess

This children’s story shows the importance of drinking water. Gie Gie, an African girl who walks many kilometers every day to reach the watering hole, is the protagonist of this emotional story. Through its pages, it will make children aware of the privilege they have in having water so accessible and the need not to waste it.

Oh!  Water


Oh! Water

In this book, Albert Casasín invites adults and children to discover all the mysteries of the main source of life on the planet: water. Through drawings and short texts, they will learn everything related to this precious asset and will become aware of the need to use it properly without wasting a drop.

Narigota, the adventures of a drop of water


Narigota, the adventures of a drop of water

This animated film tells the story of Narigota, a drop of water who will live great adventures with his friends Vaporón, a cloud, and Frigote, an ice cube. The three of them will teach the little ones what the water cycle is like, the importance of its correct use and what would happen if this good were lost.

An ocean of plastic


An ocean of plastic

It is a documentary that follows an adventurous diver to discover the damage that plastic dumped in the waters is causing in the oceans and how it is affecting marine animals. It warns us of the importance of recycling and reducing the consumption of plastic. It is recommended for people over 7 years old.

Blue Planet I y II


Blue Planet I y II

Two television miniseries that show the diversity and richness that the ocean hides, as well as the extraordinary creatures that inhabit them and the problems they have to face every day. Through wonderful images, children and adults will become aware of the importance of caring for the planet.

– Go to the special World Water Day.

This content has been produced by BLUEMEDIA STUDIO, Henneo’s Branded Content unit.

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