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Game ‘Fortnite’ gets hit hard by Apple ban

07 september 2020


Daily use of the popular game ‘Fortnite’ on iPhone and iPad has dropped by 60 percent after the boycott by Apple.

App developers who compete with Apple don’t go unpunished. This is evident from the experiences of Epic Games, the publisher of the popular action game ‘Fortnite’.

Epic Games recently clashed with Apple because it had devised a new payment system for in-app purchases, whereby Apple could no longer skim 30 percent of the price. Apple argued that Epic Games was thereby violating the terms of its App Store and threw the game out of that store.


The consequences are being felt: According to a document Epic Games filed in court on Friday, daily use of the app on iOS (Apple’s mobile operating system) has fallen by more than 60 percent since that ban. The company says Apple’s measures will have a devastating effect on its Fortnite community.

The game can also be played on other platforms, but according to the document, iOS is the main platform, accounting for 116 of the 350 million users worldwide. Epic not only fears that it will no longer be able to attract new gamers via the iOS platform, but that it will also lose the existing users.


Epic tries to lift the Apple ban in court. An earlier attempt to do so failed because, according to the judge, Epic Games could not prove that there was irreparable damage as a result of the ban.

App developers have long complained about Apple’s practice of requiring all payments to go through its own system, where Apple takes a commission of up to 30 percent.

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