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Game enthusiasts enthusiastic after seeing the GTA VI trailer: ‘Money drips from the screen’


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Takes ninety seconds the new trailer of the video game Grand Theft Auto VI and 62 million people have already seen the video in the more than half a day that it has been online.

For people who are not into video games, the trailer sees a real-life Miami city, including sandy beaches, high-rise buildings, traffic and all the craziness that the American city brings in real life. Game enthusiasts may see much more.

The first reactions are positive. Both from fans and journalists. American media say it is the most highly anticipated game ever. The last edition of GTA released.

“One thing is certain: this will be the most viewed trailer ever. And perhaps the most viewed video ever,” says game journalist Ron Vorstermans. “The Beatles’ new song isn’t even going to come close to this.”

Culture historical moment

Vorstermans says he has already watched the trailer at least five times. He calls it an important cultural-historical moment for the entertainment industry.

“It looks like you are used to. Everyone recognizes GTA in this. That is a big compliment to the makers. The setting is also great with Miami and Florida. They also dare to make fun of everything; from an alligator in a store to half naked women that to twerk on a car. They dare to use satire. That has always been their trademark.”

A still from the released trailer

Len Maessen is also enthusiastic. She writes a lot about games for NRC and she sees many positive reactions around her. “That is not surprising, of course. People have waited so long for this, if it also looks nice, people quickly become enthusiastic and strengthen each other.”

“What we see now in the trailer actually confirms a lot of the information that has been leaked lately,” Maessen continues. “We don’t see many new things, but we do see beautiful graphics in a way that maker Rockstar Games intended.”


Both Vorstermans and Maessen emphasize that this is a trailer and that it is therefore difficult to say whether the graphics will be the same in the actual game. “But what they present to us looks fantastic,” says Vorstermans. “The money is dripping off the screen. The animations, the design of the city, the density of the people and how they move. It’s a very important game for the industry from a technical point of view.”

Maessen also sees that waiting ten years is paying off. “In that time, quite a few games have been released in this genre. And there is a limit to what they can do. You can also see that in the graphics. You notice that games are reaching the limits of what is possible. But due to the attention and quality of the makers of GTA VI you can see that there has still been a development.”

Keeping up with the times

Anyone who watches the trailer really feels like they are back in the present day. According to Vorstermans, the makers have kept up with the times. “It’s all a bit more inclusive. Of course the main character is now a woman, and also of color. That was often a point of criticism in previous games.”

“But also if you look at social media. During the previous edition in 2013, social media was not as important as it is now. Now it is really a part of our lives. The makers paint that picture well with, among other things, fake live streams on TikTok and likes. And here too, satire on our current times is not avoided.”

Fans of the game will have to wait a little longer. The game won’t be released until 2025. Yet Maessen understands that the trailer has already been published. “People have been asking where this game is for so long. Then it makes sense that Rockstar is now making an official announcement to show what they are doing.”

2023-12-05 13:54:47
#Game #enthusiasts #enthusiastic #GTA #trailer #Money #drips #screen

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