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Gálvez asserts that the Federal Government abandoned the field

Camargo, Chih. The presidential candidate of the Force and Heart for Mexico coalition (PAN, PRI and PRD), Xóchitl Gálvez, asserted that the federal government abandoned the countryside and there is no money to buy tractors, but “money is sent to Cuba.” Furthermore, she indicated that “we want more Mexican doctors, we do not want Cuban doctors.”

The woman from Hidalgo went to Camargo, Chihuahua, where, upon entering the city, she got off the Xóchibus. There, dozens of producers were waiting for her on their respective tractors, and she got on one of the units. She arrived at the Poliforo in this district driving one of the tractors.

Moments later, in front of the supporters who filled this auditorium, she said that “I ended up driving because, believe it or not, I am a country woman.” And by pointing out that she knows “what is suffered in the countryside,” she stressed that we are experiencing the worst drought in many years.

“This drought has left many families with many problems, that is why you defended water, that is why you defend what you have had for many years,” he added, stating that, if he wins the elections, he will serve the countryside. He accused that the President of the Republic “disappeared the Fonden (Natural Disaster Fund) and that is precisely why he does not want to declare an emergency due to drought, because he would have to support the farmers.”

After calling for this fund to be maintained, he said that, as water will continue to be scarce, it is necessary to modernize the countryside. “We want to use technology in the countryside so that water is available for everyone… we all have to save water, because there is water, the problem is that today 75 percent of the water is used in the countryside, and that is where we have to achieve an efficiency.”

Immediately, he showed a graph with which he assured that investment in the countryside was reduced under the current government. “This is the reality, this government did not care about the peasants, it did not care about the farmers.”

Faced with the cries of “Morena out, Morena out” that were immediately heard from the supporters, the opposition candidate expressed. “Of course you have every reason to be angry with Morena, more than 20 support programs for the countryside were removed, now there is no financing to buy tractors for you, but what about Cuba, they do send money there and here they send you “They have abandoned them with the investment towards the countryside.”

After proposing to renegotiate the water payment agreed with the United States and look for alternatives, he reiterated his proposals regarding health and questioned the federal government’s hiring of Cuban medical specialists. “At once I tell the doctors: We want more Mexican doctors, we don’t want Cuban doctors. “We want more doctors, more specialists, to be trained.”

Meanwhile, for the third consecutive day, he referred to the investigation announced by the Judiciary against the retired minister, Arturo Zaldívar, and once again questioned the presidential candidate of Morena and her allies, Claudia Sheinbaum.

“The president uses all the power of the State to impose his corcholata, and his corcholata, as you already saw, came out as a cover, I already went out to cover up Arturo Zaldívar saying well no, that he is innocent, if it is not even investigated.”

While, by insisting on his proposal to provide a universal scholarship that includes students from public and private schools, he left university students out of the possibility of this support. “Today I want to announce that the scholarship will be from preschool to high school, for public and private schools, equally.”

Gálvez announced that this afternoon he will take a private tour of the La Boquilla dam, which has low water levels.

#Gálvez #asserts #Federal #Government #abandoned #field
– 2024-04-19 19:56:39

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