In-principle support for legal reforms, but no particular familiarity, reluctance to reduce the powers of presidents, almost no support for changing the national holiday or for tolerating dual citizenship in power – this is what the latest Gallup International survey points to.
61.3% of respondents agree and 12.2% disagree that it is good that everyone has the right to submit an individual constitutional complaint, i.e. that every Bulgarian citizen can apply to the Constitutional Court.
As many as 49.7% do not show any instinct about whether it is good for the Supreme Judicial Council to be divided into two – a judicial council and a prosecutorial council. 35.5% are at this stage “for”, 14.8% are currently “against”. The idea that people with dual citizenship have the right to be ministers and deputies in Bulgaria meets a clear intuitive criticism: 65% do not agree with such a prospect, and 17.5% agree.
29 percent are “for” reducing the powers of the presidents in our country when forming caretaker governments, but 44.3% are “against”. The rest cannot form an opinion.
In the study, the issue of the national holiday was also experimentally verified.
No serious degree of contradiction is seen in the mass consciousness between March 3 and May 24, and the change of the national holiday itself finds almost no support.

In the direct question of the type “we leave or change the date and with which other”
69.3% accept staying on March 3rd, and a total of 14% are divided into various other options: 9.6% want a change to May 24th, 3% to September 6th, and 1.4% to September 22nd. The rest cannot answer.
It’s obvious that
the topic of changing the national holiday is not on the agenda in society, even for the conflicting countries, urged by political figures, comments Janitsa Petkova from Gallup International Balkan.
The topic may be a motive, incentive and basis for building a political project (movement, party), but it will not guarantee longevity, Petkova also pointed out.
• The data is part of Gallup International Balkan’s monthly independent research program. The study was conducted between August 3 and 11, 2023 among 807 people using the face-to-face tablet method. The sample is representative of the adult population of the country. 1% of the entire sample is equal to about 54 thousand people.