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Gallon bottled water is safe to consume? This is what the experts say

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Gallon bottled water made from polycarbon is considered to be safe for public consumption. Professor of the UI Faculty of Medicine who is also the General Chair of the Indonesian Cancer Foundation, Aru Wisaksono Sudoyo, said that there is no evidence that consuming reused gallons of water triggers cancer.

According to him, about 90% -95% of cancers come from the environment or the environment. “Mostly because of lifestyle exposures such as lack of exercise and eating the wrong foods, smoking, and so on. So there has been no research that gallons of water cause cancer,” he said in a statement received by Kontan.co.id, Monday (11/10).

Member of the Indonesian Cancer Foundation, Nadia A Mulansari, added that cancer is multifactorial. Where about 10%-15% is genetic and the remaining 90%-95% is sporadic or more to the environment.

What is clear, said Nadia, the main cause of cancer that has been proven from various studies is cigarettes. “It causes about 20-30 cases of cancer,” said Nadia.

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Other risk factors that can cause cancer are obesity or overweight, long hormonal use, early menstruating age, women who do not breastfeed, exposure to paint materials, and chemical fertilizers.

“In essence, the cause of cancer is multifactorial. So, many other factors contribute to a cell so that it turns into a cancer cell,” said Nadia further.

Nadia dismissed the issue that gallons of water could trigger cancer. According to him, gallon water is actually the healthiest water.

Negative narratives and attacks on reusable gallon bottled water made from polycarbonate have occurred in the last two years. This coincided with the emergence of single-use gallon bottled water which was criticized by environmental activists because it has the potential to increase plastic waste in the environment.

Nadia said the reused gallon water must have used food grade plastic.

Editor: Herlina Kartika Dewi

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