GALLARATE – Out once for all bad acquaintances and in sports. Reclaim the park in viale Milano to make it a place frequented by young people and families it is a goal that the municipal administrations of the last thirty years have been pursuing without success in Gallarate. Also the board of Andrea Cassani accepted the challenge. First of all with an extraordinary maintenance intervention (the restyling works are in progress) and now assigning to that green area a stone’s throw from the center a sporting vocation. From Palazzo Borghi they imagine her alive, with gymnastics sessions, an outdoor gym with the installation of fitness machines, yoga and Tai chi classes.
Sports in the parks
It is with these assumptions that today, February 12, on the initiative of the councilors Andrea Zibetti (Fundraising) e Claudia Mazzetti (Sport), the junta has decided to participate in the ministerial announcement “Sports in the parks”, promoted centrally by chasing three objectives: encourage new models of outdoor sports, both independently and through the local Asd and Ssd that are easily replicable with reduced costs; offer a free service to the community; create synergies between municipalities and sports associations that go beyond the Covid-19 emergency period for the use of public green areas. Gyms closed due to the pandemic have accelerated a process, or the rediscovery of parks as places for physical activity. The park in Viale Milano was chosen for its proximity to the Maga, increasingly frequented by young university students once it is finished the transfer of the library and the cultural pole will be born. An outdoor sports session at the end of a day of study, why not?
Two lines of intervention
The notice moves through two lines of intervention. Both would be financed 50 percent from municipal resources. The first provides the installation of an outdoor gym with 8 machines of various kinds, 2 of which can also be used by people with disabilities. It is then planned to give it up for adoption, through special agreements, to local associations registered with the Coni, through procedures that guarantee transparency and equal treatment. With the second line of intervention, it would instead be created an island of sport, always to be given through agreements to local sports realities, to carry out disciplines (such as yoga, tai chi, martial arts and various types of aerobics) that they do not require equipment.
Parks in Gallarate: “Phase 2” with two dog areas, a cableway and 250 new benches
gallarate gym fitness park – MALPENSA24