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Galicia’s Comprehensive Childhood Vaccination Schedule and Immunization against Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

Last March, Galicia once again took the lead in the country in health issues by announcing that it would immunize all newborns against the respiratory syncytial virus.

This is the RSV that causes bronchiolitis, a pathology that causes a thousand hospitalizations a year in the community, 75% among children under 12 months of age. Now he has set a date: it will be from next September 25. From that day on, all children born in the community will immediately receive the dose of this vaccine during their hospitalization.

In addition, immunization will also begin for those premature children (those born before the 37th week of pregnancy) born from October 1, 2021 and those under two years of age who are in the high-risk group due to pathologies such as dysplasia. bronchopulmonary or heart disease.

All of them will make up the first vaccination group. Another group will be made up of babies under six months, that is, all children born in Galicia from April 1 of this year, who will be cited between October 2 and 15. As with all other vaccines, this one is also voluntary.

The respiratory syncytial virus is one of those responsible for bronchiolitis in babies, a pathology that causes nearly 1,000 hospitalizations each year in Galicia alone. 75% of hospitalized children are less than one year old. The goal of immunization is to reduce the number of cases of bronchiolitis to prevent serious health complications in children and hospital admissions.

Galicia has the most complete childhood vaccination schedule in all of Spain. In fact, it was the first community to acquire and receive the doses to carry out this immunization campaign against the respiratory syncytial virus that will now begin in the 14 Galician public hospitals.

2023-09-07 10:09:10
#Galicia #vaccinate #newborns #bronchiolitis #virus #September

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