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Galician Labrego Union Calls for Urgent Meeting with Ministry to Address Bluetongue Vaccination Campaign

They request an “urgent” meeting with the Ministry to address the campaign and measures to control and eradicate this disease

The Galician Labrego Union (SLG) once again denounces problems with the vaccination of cattle against bluetongue before the Ministry of Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture, while the Xunta defends that it supplies these vaccines free of charge.

However, the union warns that due to the “poor planning” of the campaign, farms have to finance private veterinarians in some cases.

On this, in a response from the General Directorate of Gandaría, Agriculture and Agri-food Industries to the SLG to which Europa Press has had access, the regional department recalls that it began an urgent vaccination campaign on March 7, visiting all the farms in the affected area, “with their own means and free of charge”.

At the same time, after this sheet vaccination, the Ministry explains that the animals that are over the age of three months and, therefore, are not vaccinated, the possibility was established that both the private clinical veterinary staff and the veterinary staff of the ADGS could carry out the vaccination, at the request of the farmers.

However, in the case of farmers who wish to vaccinate their animals before the Consellería staff carry out the vaccination on their farm when it corresponds, the Xunta indicates that, “obviously”, the owner must assume the cost of the vaccination services, although he insists that “the product will be supplied free of charge by the Department”.

In this context, the union considers this situation a “comparative grievance”, since, as it points out, there are farms that have to bear the vaccination costs, while in others it is the official veterinarians who comply with the obligations health, something that, he insists, is the cause of “the disastrous planning of this vaccination campaign.”

Likewise, in relation to the possible existence of damages and adverse reactions after the application of the bluetongue vaccine, the Xeral Directorate of Gandaría assures that “abortions and deaths produced as a consequence of vaccination are compensable by the administration, provided that a causal relationship between the applied vaccine and the opportune effect can be established”.

Given this, the union regrets that the limited period for these compensations is “48 hours after inoculation”, which, according to what it states, “makes it impossible to rigorously identify and collect its side effects”, since the incidents are seen “beyond three weeks.”

In relation to the adverse reactions, the Labrego Galego Union assures that the farms are “concerned” because the new version of the vaccine, “modified after previously reported adverse side effects, is being tested precisely in Galicia”, without “giving time follow their results or establish comparisons with those of other territories”.

In view of these facts and “given the lack of willingness to find solutions, evident in the response of the Ministry of Rural Affairs”, the SLG has contacted the Ministry of Agriculture, “which argued that it had no powers”, for which they have returned to reiterate the request to the Xunta for an “urgent” meeting to address the bluetongue sanitation campaign and control and eradication measures for this disease.

2023-08-21 16:06:00
#Ranchers #denounce #problems #vaccination #bluetongue #Xunta #defends #free #status #Galiciapress

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