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Galicia will release the “new normal”: guidelines in the hotel industry and the return of nightlife if all goes well | Society

This Monday June 15 Galicia launches the “new normal” in Spain and, in this way, the Official Gazette of Galicia publishes the guidelines that the citizens of the community will have to follow from this next Monday. Among them are restrictions affecting the hospitality industry and maximum afotos in certain public spaces. In addition, this Saturday in Santiago de Compostela a funeral is held in memory and for the eternal rest of the victims of COVID-19.

The capacity of the catering establishments cannot exceed 75% and the safety distance between tables and at the bar must be guaranteed, according to the new restrictions of the “new normal” in this sector. In addition, terraces must limit their capacity to 80% and the maximum number of people at one or more tables together is 25.

On the other hand, if the evolution of the pandemic is favorable in the Community, on July 1 discotheques and nightlife venues may reopen, and also may celebrate festivals and other popular events such as fairs and festivals.

Regarding religious worship, the masses will be celebrated with 75% of the temple’s capacity. Wakes can be held in all types of facilities but with a maximum of 60 people if held outside and a maximum of 30 people in closed spaces.

Funeral in memory of the victims

The Galician dioceses as a whole will celebrate this Saturday in Santiago de Compostela a funeral in memory and for the eternal rest of the victims of COVID-19. It will be at 12:00 in the Compostela Church of San Francisco, where the Archdiocese of Santiago performs its solemn acts due to the restoration works that keep the Compostela Cathedral closed to worship. It will be presided over by the Archbishop of Santiago, Monsignor Julián Barrio.

In addition, the bishops of the Galician dioceses will act as concelebrants and the presence of the president of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, is expected. The Galician dioceses have recalled that the celebration will be carried out with “all the protection measures in force in phase 3”, in which Galicia is located, with which, people who wish to attend may do so until the capacity is full. In addition, the ceremony will be broadcast live on Galicia Television.

On the same day, as the Galician president advanced two weeks ago, the Xunta will also hold a civil ceremony in memory of those who died from the pandemic and as a sign of support and condolence to their families.

The BOE publishes the extension to phase 3 of most of the country

The Official State Gazette (BOE) publishes this Saturday the map of the de-escalation in force as of Monday, with most of the country already in phase 3 and only Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Lleida and the Castilian-Leon provinces of Salamanca, Ávila, Segovia and Soria in phase 2.

Galicia will leave the state of alarm and will release the so-called “new normal” with its own rules, and the Valencian Community will join the last stage of the de-escalation; Girona and Central Catalunya (Catalonia); Burgos, León, Palencia, Valladolid and Zamora (Castilla y León); and Albacete, Toledo and Ciudad Real (Castilla-La Mancha); and Ceuta.

On Monday, 34 million Spaniards – three out of every 4 – will be thus in phase 3 and 12 million will continue in phase 2 and will go directly to the “new normal” The 21st of June, as explained yesterday by the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa. That day the alarm state will no longer be in effect and there will be free movement between autonomous communities. The BOE marks this Saturday the “territorial units” within which the residents may move until then. They are Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, Cantabria, the Valencian Community, Extremadura, Galicia, Murcia, Navarra, the Basque Country, La Rioja, Ceuta and Melilla.

In Castilla y León there will be no interprovincial mobility and in Castilla-La Mancha it will be allowed only between the provinces of Guadalajara and Cuenca, which have been in phase 3 for a week. In Catalonia, according to the BOE, the health zones in phase 3 form a single territorial unit.

The Bulletin also modifies several orders issued in the framework of the state of alarm to allow, for example, the entry into Spanish ports of foreign ships or pleasure boats even if they do not have their port of stay in Spain, although the prohibition for cruise ships.

Helicopter flights to Ceuta are also allowed and, despite the fact that the ban on disembarking passengers from the peninsula on passenger ships that provide regular line service with that autonomous city is maintained, new exceptions are set for residents, provided that its circulation is allowed, and for certain groups with a specific authorization from the Government Delegation.

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