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Galicia closes the hospitality industry for a month in the big cities


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The president of the Xunta de Galicia, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has reported this Wednesday that from 3:00 p.m. next Friday and for a month non-essential activities will be restricted in 60 municipalities of the community and that encompass 60% of the population, which include the seven large cities and part of their inflection areas, as well as 17 other municipalities.

“We prefer to take tougher measures for less time than to have softer measures and run the risk of not achieving the result we are looking for, which is to lower the curve,” he assured at a press conference Núñez Feijóo, who understands that acting “forcefully and immediately” could allow “save the Christmas campaign”, although “nothing is guaranteed”.

In this way, the perimeter closure between the affected municipalities will be maintained, although the trade will continue to function, Cultural establishments will operate with a reduced capacity and only the individual sports activity.

Hospitality closing

The most severe closure will affect the hospitality industry, which will close and It can only offer service at home or for collection at the premises. Núñez Feijóo has advanced that the Galician Government will study this Friday new measures to support a sector “very affected” by the pandemic.

The measurements will be reviewed weekly and the possibility of raising them remains if the incidence rate drops “not just a little, but clearly and forcefully “, so the general rule is that the validity will be four weeks.

With regard to the seven cities, the measures will affect the area of ​​La Coruña -La Coruña, Arteixo, Culleredo, Cambre and Oleiros-, Lugo, the area of ​​Santiago -Santiago, Ames, Boqueixón, Oroso, O Pino, Teo, Trazo , Val do Dubra and Vedra-, to the area of ​​Ferrol -Ferrol, Ames, Neda, Fene, Narón and Mugardos-, to the area of ​​Orense -Orense, Barbadás, Amoeiro, Coes, Pereiro de Aguiar, San Cibrao das Viñas and Toén- , to the area of ​​Pontevedra -Pontevedra, Vilaboa, Pontecaldelas, Poio, Marín, Barro, Campolameiro, Cerdedo-Cotobade and Soutomaior- and to the area of ​​Vigo, with Vigo, Mos, Nigrán, Gondomar, Porriño and Redondela.

Likewise, the measures will also have an effect on 17 municipalities with an incidence of 200 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days: Vimianzo, Monforte de Lemos, Burela, Viveiro, O Carballiño, Verín, Xinzo, Cangas, A Estrada, Lalín, Silleda, Ponteareas, Tui, Cambados, O Grove, Vilanova de Arousa and Vilagarcía de Arousa.

When adopting these measures, Núñez Feijóo has given as an example the case of O Carballiño, a municipality that on October 10, before restricting non-essential activities, had an incidence “that exceeded 1,000 cases in the last 14 days, a borderline situation.”

“Three weeks after applying these measures, on November 2, the incidence to 14 days was reduced a 53% and the incidence at seven days, a 75% “, has related the Galician president, who hopes to obtain similar results in the municipalities with restrictions.

Asked about the possibility that the central government considers the possibility of allowing the decree home confinement, Núñez Feijóo has been favorable to the existence of this option “to apply it if the necessary criteria are met”, although the measures advanced this Wednesday seek, precisely, “avoid reaching home confinement.”

“The waiting formula, like that of the central government, It does not seem to us sanitary or humanly acceptable; It seems better to us to try to avoid a second confinement that would have dramatic consequences and enormous social and economic effects, “he continued.

The Galician Government has detailed these measures after an extraordinary meeting of the clinical committee that, after holding a meeting until Tuesday night, the session continued this Wednesday.

On the positive side, Feijóo has advanced that in the municipalities on which there are no new restrictions meetings of non-cohabitants may be of up to six people – in front of the maximum of five that was established until now -, like the whole of Spain.

In the same way, they would also be working on a text that determines “under what conditions can a father or mother be visited if they live alone”, with the aim that there is a homogeneous criterion in this regard.

The 9,642 active cases registered this Wednesday they are distributed among the areas of Vigo, with 2,271 -145 more-; La Coruña, with 1,668 -65 more-; Santiago and Barbanza, with 1,350 -two more-; Orense, with 1,211 -61 less-; Pontevedra, with 1,097 -15 more-; Ferrol, with 1,029 -47 more-, and Lugo, with 53 more active cases for a total of 1,016.

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