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Galicia | A Coruña: Official mourning and minute of silence in memory of those who died from coronavirus | Radio Coruña

First day of official mourning declared by the Central Government for the victims of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and that will have a total duration of 10 days. In front of the Government Delegation in Galicia, as well as in front of the municipalities, also that of A Coruña, the public representatives have observed a minute of silence this noon in memory of all the deceased and as a tribute to those who still work to control the pandemic.

After the minute of silence, the Government delegate in Galicia, Javier Losada, has appealed to “unity, collective work, social conscience and civility demonstrated by citizens” so that the whole society comes out of this crisis “as well as possible”.

Losada recalled the more than 600 people who died in Galicia and the more than 27,000 in the whole of the State: “I want to show my solidarity and affection with the neighbors and relatives of the deceased, those who have suffered the loss of these Galicians.”

“Now it’s time to keep fighting, keep working and get the whole of society out of this crisis as well as possible. I appeal to unity, collective work, social conscience and civility that we Galicians and Galicians have demonstrated during this period” , has settled.

The public buildings in Galicia and the ships of the Navy have their exterior flags flying at half mast since midnight. Likewise, the flags located inside have a black crepe on the moharra of the mast.

The Concello da Coruña also joins

The Municipal Corporation of A Coruña has also observed a minute of silence in front of the María Pita Palace. The mayor, Ines Rey, recalled that the City Council had already declared May 4 as a day of official mourning for the victims. “We wanted to do this tribute to each and every deceased,” he added.

He warned that the risk of contagion so “extreme precautions and hygiene and safety measures must be taken” and stressed that the recovery of activity is already visible in the city with the opening of shops and hotels: “Sen limitations of time slots for departures, we are slowly coming out of the lethargy in which we have been immersed and reaching normalcy. “

As for the economic consequences of the state of alarm, Rey pointed out that “the crisis was already known to come.” “That’s why we are working to bring the A Coruña Economic and Social Reactivation Plan (Presco) in order to mitigate the effects of the crisis and for the most affected sectors to overcome it with the help of the Administration “.

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