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“Galaxy S21” … a leak reveals a “big surprise” for the iPhone 12 competitor

Leaks It revealed many aspects of the upcoming Samsung phone, such as storage capacity, color, and options available among the three devices that will be launched.

These specifications were leaked, while some sources mentioned that some commercial establishments are in charge of selling the phone In Germany, she received information about its advantages and specifications.

And the smallest model of Models The three will have a capacity of 128 GB, in addition to another with a capacity of 256 GB, and a third phone with a capacity of 512.

As for the phone’s colors, it will range from gray, white, purple, silver, silver and black.

The source cited the most advanced model in phones "S21" It will be able to add an optional feature which is the pen, but it will not be inside the device as is usual in older devices.

And the new surprise this time is that this smart pen accompanies a phone "Samsung" It will be accompanied by a silicone outer cover.

A company is likely to take the initiative "Samsung" To launch its smartphone on the fourteenth of January, while the sale process may start in late February or early March of 2021.

In early December, recent economic data revealed that a company "Samsung" Countries in the world topped in smartphone sales during the third quarter of this year.

The figures showed that the South Korean company sold more than $ 80 million, during the mentioned period, while it dissolved "Huawei" China is in second place, after its market share fell to 51.8 million.


According to “gsmarena”, these are Leaks It revealed many aspects of the upcoming Samsung phone, such as storage capacity, color, and options available among the three devices that will be launched.

These specifications were leaked, while some sources mentioned that some commercial establishments are in charge of selling the phone In Germany, she received information about its advantages and specifications.

And the smallest model of Models The three will have a capacity of 128 GB, in addition to another with a capacity of 256 GB, and a third phone with a capacity of 512.

As for the phone’s colors, it will range from gray, white, purple, silver, silver and black.

The source stated that the more advanced model in the “S21” phones will be able to add an optional feature, which is the pen, but it will not be inside the device as is usual in the old devices.

The new surprise this time is that this smart pen that accompanies a Samsung phone will be accompanied by a silicone outer cover.

At the present time, it is likely that Samsung will launch its smartphone on the fourteenth of January, while the sale process may start in late February or early March of 2021.

And in early December, recent economic data revealed that Samsung topped the world in smart phone sales during the third quarter of this year.

The figures showed that the South Korean company sold more than $ 80 million during the aforementioned period, while the Chinese “Huawei” came in second place, after its market share fell to 51.8 million.

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