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Gaetano, the cashier with the smile and the iron memory

He remembered every single one of his clients’ bank accounts by heart. Gaetano Of The Womenthe banker with an iron memory who tragically lost his life in August 15th crash between Campagna and Contursi Termealong the now infamous Mediterranean highway, was much more than a cashier: going to him at the bank counter was like finding a friend. smile was always printed on his face, the joviality he radiated put members and account holders in a good mood. At the branch ofOlevano on the Tuscianohis second home in the last years of his work in the force Campania Central Bankhad become an institution.

To the rural and artisan fund of Battipaglia He was hired in 1982: at first he was an auxiliary, he took care of logistics. Then he became cashier: he was the fastest of all in carrying out operations. He served for a long time at the BCC headquarters, in Piazza De Curtis in Battipaglia. The last seven years of his career, which ended with his retirement at the beginning of 2024, were spent in Via Mensa, in the Olevano sul Tusciano branch, not far from home.

He lived along the provincial 29the road that connects the head of the Piana to Monticelli. Delle Donne, on the other hand, was half Battipaglia and half Olevano. He grew up in the shadow of Castelluccioat the crossroads between via Olevano and via Roma: as a young man he was a regular visitor to the Stella district. In Battipaglia his father, Valentino, was a historian Professor of Profagri. The Delle Donne family, which is originally from Olevano, is very well known in the leader of the plain: Gaetano’s older brother, Rocco, was also a city councilor. He is a general practitioner, he works in Alto Sele: there, at the Oliveto Citra hospital, the body of the good cashier is kept. His younger brother, Francesco, is a lawyer. He lived for Valentino and Eugenio, his sons with his ex-wife Sabatina Salvatore: they gave him his wonderful grandchildren.
And he loved engines, both on four wheels and two: he was extremely jealous of his Giulietta and the Beverly 500. And he passed away while riding a motorbike.

At the end of the month he was supposed to turn it off 63 candles: il first birthday as a pensioner that an infamous fate did not allow him to celebrate. In the bank they remember him with great sorrow. «A cheerful, simple and kind-hearted person, always available, at work as in everyday life”, the social memory of a cousin, his colleague. The heartbreak from the company Cral: “Your cheerfulness resonates forcefully in my mind. I think back over the many years gone by and I tell myself that they would have been boring and interminable without your contagious presence».

#Gaetano #cashier #smile #iron #memory
– 2024-08-18 12:12:05

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