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Gabriel Matzneff recounts his pedophile activities on a recently deleted website

11:45 p.m.
    , January 4, 2020, modified at
                    11:54 p.m.
    , January 4, 2020

The site has been populated for years. Then he mysteriously disappeared a few days ago, just before the publication of the shocking book by Vanessa Springora, The consent (Grasset). The scandal had just broken out. Gabriel Matzneff, the licentious writer with brilliant conversation, had meanwhile become Matzneff, the pedophile monster, tracker of young girls, child abuser. The socialite distinguished by Saint-Germain-des-Prés, having columns open in several newspapers and a voluminous address book in publishing, was suddenly no longer frequentable.

Several photos with young girls

Is this why this site to its glory was erased overnight? Or was it the threat of possible legal action that caused the panic? Matzneff is now the subject of a preliminary investigation by the Paris public prosecutor’s office opened for rape of minors under the age of 15, even though the blog counterpart was held by one of his admirers and friend. The web pages were deleted on December 30, 2019. We have exhumed them from the Internet archive where they can still be easily found.

We discover dozens of old photos of the writer in the company of several of the young girls he seduced, including one in a swimsuit. As she explains in her book, Vanessa Springora thought of initiating legal proceedings to remove the images of her. “GM has managed to ensure that it cannot be given ownership of the content hosted by its nominee, outside of all French regulations. Legally, the site is the work of a fan, nothing more. is utterly cynical, but it’s unstoppable. How could a stranger who lives in Asia get photos of me at 14? Photos that only G. has? “

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