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Gabon: the third tourist guide presented to the public – AGP

Libreville, July 29, 2023 (AGP) – The company “ Appointment Tower » proceeded Thursday, July 27, in Libreville, to the official presentation of its 3rd Tourist Guide relating to the Gabon destination.

According to the general manager of the said company, Arnaud Ikango, this third guide, which comes two years after the coronavirus pandemic, is a repository of the Gabon destination. This provides a maximum of information on tourist activities around the Gabonese capital Libreville singularly and Gabon in general.

Available in English and French, the 5,000 copies published in paper form also appear on the company’s website (www.rdvtour.com).

The targeted distribution circuit will make it possible to meet the needs of a large local business clientele, but also an average target and an international clientele at the various gateways to Gabon.

« It is a tool that allows us to amplify communication on the Gabon destination. Because one of the weaknesses observed in the tourism sector is access to communication” , did he declare.

Representing the guardianship, the director general of tourism, Arcad Edmond Lepeyi, returned for his part to the explosion of e-tourism which, according to him, in no way conceals the presence of the paper medium which resists to this day and should further allow the promotion of the national tourist offer.

Faced with the competition facing Gabon in the sub-region, he said, this officially presented tool highlights the various natural, cultural, religious and historical resources that abound in the country. For him, monitoring the habits of consumer tourists is important. The same applies to the adaptation of supports such as guides, brochures or magazines, on demand.

Calling also, the actors of the tourism sector, to a work of synergy, he said all his satisfaction with the initiative of the company Rendez-Vous Tour of valorization of the Gabonese tourist potential, among others.

In addition to the official presentation of this instrument of communication, the audience was treated to an exhibition of paintings magnifying the Gabonese landscape in all its splendour.


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