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Gabon: the president of the transition reactivates the internal and external debt task force

General Oligui Nguema announced on September 13, 2023, through a press release the opening of all files left pending in the award and execution of public contracts in Gabon.

The president of the transition Oligui Nguema announced through a press release the relaunch of a task force whose mission will be to resume “all the actions left unresolved by the previous team for no obvious reason. The President of the Transition, Head of State, therefore invites the companies awarded public contracts and all the administrative entities concerned to contact the commission upon receipt of their summons., indicates the press release from the Presidency of the Transition. By doing this, the president of the transition wishes to detect several irregularities and overinvoicing in the execution of public contracts in Gabon.

We remember that the task force for the settlement of Gabon’s internal debt which was set up in 2020 made it possible to conduct an audit of the country’s entire internal debt. And of the 1030 billion FCFA of internal debt audited under the supervision of the former general coordinator of presidential affairs, Noureddin Bongo Valentin, 623 billion FCFA turned out to be fictitious, a ratio of 62%. Thanks to these audits, the State was able to repay part of its internal debt to businesses. In particular, those which had carried out the work ordered by the State according to their specifications and whose claims had been validated by the task force.

Recall that a few days ago, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Oil and Gas sent a letter to all oil companies operating in Gabon to make available to the State all listings of payments made for the benefit of the Public Treasury since 2020.

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