Libreville, November 29, 2023 (AGP) – The Minister of Public Works, Flavien Nzengui Nzoundou, proceeded, this Wednesday, November 29, 2023, at the headquarters of the equipment directorate, to the reception of road maintenance equipment, as part of the current revitalization of this sector, noted the AGP.
This equipment is essentially composed, for this first allocation, of 2 Bulldozers, 2 graders, 2 wheel loaders, 2 hydraulic excavators on caterpillars, 2 5m3 dump trucks and 2 maintenance vehicles, for an estimate of more than 1 billion of F CFA (1,623,793,000).
For the member of the government, today’s initiative is part of the maintenance of the unpaved national road network and in line with the plea he recently made to the President of the Republic, General de brigade, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema. Not without launching a vibrant tribute to the Head of State, for the special attention and efforts made, in order to find the necessary budget to equip this ministerial department with heavy equipment.
The Minister of Public Works returned to the 308 km dirt segment that remains to be completed on the economic road, the cost of which, according to him, amounts to more than 400 billion.
The visit of the first person in charge of public works was also an opportunity to highlight the presence of donors and the various partners who help the said sector in the maintenance of the road network.
It should be noted that it was within the framework of a call for tenders launched for the occasion that the partner company, Sodim TP, was the subject of this acquisition. Other companies are also undergoing this process initiated by the authorities in place.