Libreville, November 20, 2023 (AGP) – Civil and military personnel from the office of the Minister of National Defense, members of the General Secretariat and those of the General Inspectorate of the National Gendarmerie, were invited, this Monday morning, to participate to raise the flag and sing the national anthem, reports a press release from the said ministry received by the AGP.
This Monday, November 20, 2023, the Minister Delegate to the Presidency, in charge of National Defense, Brigitte General Brigitte Onkanowa, invited, to this gathering, at the Esplanade of the said ministry, the civil and military staff of his office, the members of the General Secretariat and those of the General Inspectorate of the National Gendarmerie, for the raising of colors ceremony.
«On the instructions of Madam Minister Delegate to the Presidency, in charge of National Defense Brigitte Onkanowa, the said ceremonies took place simultaneously within all entities reporting to each respective command of the Defense Forces», Indicates the press release.
The Minister Delegate to the Presidency, in charge of National Defense, Brigitte General Brigitte Onkanowa, during the ceremony.
This ceremony is the result of the measure of raising and lowering of colors extended to the entire Public Administration, every Monday, between 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m., and every Friday at 4:00 p.m.

Military personnel during the flag raising.
The Gabonese President, Brigadier General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, decided on November 14 to extend the color raising ceremony to all public administrations, after its introduction in the country’s schools.