Home » today » News » Gabon/Justice: Raymond Obame is elected new President of the Bar – AGP

Gabon/Justice: Raymond Obame is elected new President of the Bar – AGP

Libreville, December 27, 2023 (AGP) – The crisis born from the election of January 6 will certainly be dissipated, with the re-election of Master Obame Sima as President of the Bar, this December 27 by his colleagues following a vote on opponent of Jules Obiang.

Invalidated last April, following a request submitted to the General Law Commission by certain lawyers including Maître Moubembe, the lawyers have once again elected Raymond Obame Sima as President of the Bar, thus succeeding Maître Lubin Martial Ntoutoume, by 92 votes out of 104.

The convening of the council of the order brought together almost the entire elite of this corporation. Of the 129 lawyers in the bar, 104 responded to the call.

LThe corum has been reached. Out of three applications, a last minute defection from Maître Meviane was recorded. Remaining then, those of Master Jules Obiang and Raymond Obame sima. At the end of the vote, Master Raymond Obame Sima finally obtained 92 votes, against 8 for his challenger Jules Obiang.

This vote confirms the desire of lawyers to see this sector get rid of the multiple quarrels in which it was mired. But also to participate in its hatching.

The new president did not hide his joy. “ I am satisfied with the vote, even more, with the enthusiasm surrounding this election. It is the profession that emerges from it grown, above all confirming the election of last January” , did he declare.

In addition, he mentioned the reforms in perspective in the sector, in particular, the competitions for access to the profession of lawyers in the same way as magistrates. A wish that current judicial authorities should look at carefully.

Furthermore, the council approved the tenure of 9 new members and alternates.

The previous election was canceled for formal breaches linked to the display of the list of candidates.


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