Home » World » G7: “We will donate 1 billion vaccines to poor countries”. Highlight to China and Russia on human rights and destabilizing actions

G7: “We will donate 1 billion vaccines to poor countries”. Highlight to China and Russia on human rights and destabilizing actions

A “timely and transparent” investigation into origins of Covid; the distribution of over 1 billion doses of anti-Coronavirus vaccines ai poor countries; the “support for safe Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games as a symbol of global unity “in overcoming the pandemic”; the acceleration of “efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions“And halve them by 2030; the freedom of vote in Libya; respect for human rights in China and the cessation of activities destabilizing of the Russia, in addition to concern about attacks by Belarusian authorities to the “fundamental freedoms and al international law“. But above all, put an end to the pandemic by 2022, even if the US president Joe Biden he immediately stated that “perhaps in the world it might take a little longer”.

The closing menu of the G7 of the Cornwall he is very rich, even without counting the red thread of the promotion of one strong and sustainable growth to get out of the crisis generated by the Pandemic and the commitment to continue “discussions to reach consensus on a global agreement on a fair solution and an ambitious minimum tax globale of at least 15% “. Not before having achieved the primary and immediate goal: “Defeating Covid-19“, With the deadline set to 2022.” The Covid-19 pandemic will not be under control anywhere until it is everywhere. In an interconnected world, global health and threats to health security do not respect borders ”, write the leaders of the G7 who are so committed to donating over a billion vaccines to countries that cannot afford them.

“Recognizing that ending the pandemic in 2022 will require vaccination of at least 60% of the world population, we will intensify our action to save lives “, reads the final statement of the summit which recalls how they have been committed since the beginning of the pandemic”8.6 billion dollars in ACT-A’s vaccine pillar to fund vaccine procurement, including $ 1.9 billion since we last met in February. This provides the equivalent of over a billion doses ”.

As for the economy, “to mitigate the impact of the pandemic, we have provided unprecedented support to citizens and businesses, including for keep jobs, protect incomes and keep businesses afloat, for a total of over 12 trillion dollars including the fiscal support and the liquidity measures“, Reads the document that renews the commitment” to support our economies for as long as necessary, shifting the focus of our support from the response to the crisis to the promotion of a strong growth, resilient, sustainable, balanced and inclusive in the future “. Once the recovery is established, “we have to guarantee the long-term sustainability of public finances to enable us to respond to crisi future and face the structural challenges in the longer term, including for the benefit of future generations“.

Therefore, “a fair tax system: we support the historic commitment made by the G7 on 5 June. We will continue the comparison to reach a consensus on a global agreement“, With the aim of” reaching an agreement atJuly meeting by the finance ministers and central bank governors of the G20 ″.

Full membership of Italy, by voice of Mario Draghi, to all the topics covered. China including, despite joining, the only Western country, to the Silk Road. “There was talk of divisions between the American president and Italy and Germany. The press release perfectly reflects our position in particular with respect to China “, clarified the Italian Prime Minister, starting from the idea of”cooperate but be frank about the things we don’t share and accept ”. In the summary formulated by Draghi during the press conference at the end of the meeting, “the dominant political theme was what attitude the G7 should have towards China and in general all autocracies, who use disinformation, social media, stop planes in flight, they kidnap, they kill, they don’t respect i human rights, they use the forced labor. All these themes of resentment against autocracies have been touched and shared. In this sense it was a realistic summit: there was happiness for the economy but the problems were not lost sight of, ”he said.

In the closing communiqué, the leaders of the G7 called on China to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms and confirmed the common approach of the leaders of the most industrialized nations on policies and practices that undermine a transparent management of the global economy. “In the context of our respective responsibilities in the multilateral system,” the statement announces, “we will cooperate where it is in our mutual interest on shared global challenges, in particular to address climate change and biodiversity loss in the context of Cop26 and others multilateral discussions. At the same time and in so doing – he stresses – we will promote our values, also by inviting China to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular in relation to Xinjiang and to those rights, freedoms and high degree of autonomy for Hong Kong enshrined in the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law ”.

As for Russia, Moscow should act on ransomware attacks made from its territory. The G7 leader in particular ask the country “to credibly investigate and explain the use of chemical weapons on its territory, to put an end to the squeeze on the media and to identify and hold accountable those who, within its borders, they conduct ransomware attacks and perform abuse of virtual currencies“.

Finally the Libya, who is asked to manage the vote of 24 December in fair and inclusive way and to withdraw i foreign fighters and mercenaries from the country. “We confirm – the leaders gathered in Cornwall declared in the final communiqué of the summit – our full support forprovisional executive authority committed to carrying out the Libyan-led stabilization process, facilitated by the United Nations in the framework of the Berlin process ”. For his part, Draghi underlines how “we have been very active in this period with Libya: there is great desire to collaborate and accepting investments, there is great expectation in the world of Italian companies, many projects have been launched, but some of them need to be safe in the workplace to be seriously launched ”. The head of the government then said he had spoken of the Libya dossier also with Biden.

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