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G7 meeting on Afghanistan, start of the Paralympics … The 6 news you will hear about on Tuesday

6:25 p.m. on August 23, 2021, modified at 6:31 p.m. on August 23, 2021

1. In Afghanistan, the West is trying to buy time

The G7 countries meet on Tuesday for “urgent discussions” on the situation in Afghanistan, in the words of Boris Johnson, whose country currently holds the chairmanship of the group. This virtual summit should in particular make it possible to better coordinate the evacuations of people at risk from Kabul airport.

This week-end, Joe Biden raised the possibility of extending the American presence beyond August 31 in order to carry out this mission, but the Taliban refuse any concession and threaten not to form a government before the troops leave. “Additional time is needed to complete the current operations,” Jean-Yves Le Drian also recalled today. The Minister of Foreign Affairs considers that access to the airport remains “the main concern” and indicates that “it is necessary to increase further [la] coordination locally, with the United States and [les] partners present on site “.

Read also our full article – Virtual G7, evacuations … In Afghanistan, the West is trying to buy time

2. Make way for the Paralympic Games

4,400 athletes, 22 disciplines and 539 events. Until September 4, Tokyo continues to be the sports capital of the world by hosting the 16th Summer Paralympic Games, which will kick off on Tuesday during the opening ceremony (1 p.m., France 3). The 138 French athletes will be led by flag bearers Stéphane Houdet, wheelchair tennis star, and Sandrine Martinet, judokate.

But again, the Covid-19 tarnishes the party: Japan records a record of 25,000 daily cases (on average over seven days), the media describe saturated public hospitals (most private clinics refusing to take care of Covid patients) and 107 contaminations linked to the Paralympic Games have already been identified. The restrictions have been tightened further: the athletes will compete behind closed doors, will be tested daily, will have to eat alone and will not be able to venture outside the infrastructures.

3. Covid-19: what changes the formal authorization of the Pfizer vaccine in the United States

U.S. Medicines Agency (FDA) Just Fully Approves Pfizer-BioNTech’s Covid Vaccine for over 16s. Previously, the serum had emergency authorization. This decision could boost the vaccination campaign across the Atlantic for three reasons:

  • The industrialist will be able to make television advertising American;
  • Many administrations, companies, hospitals or even universities were waiting for this announcement to make vaccination compulsory for their employees or students. The Pentagon has just taken the plunge for its 1.3 million active service soldiers, as has New York City for the staff of its public schools;
  • The authorities have the (limited) hope that this formal approval will convince some hesitant.

4. Nice-OM: the two clubs summoned before the Disciplinary Commission

Sunday night at the Allianz Riviera in Nice.


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