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G20 agrees on recovery measures after pandemic

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G20 Summit in Rome

Top issues include general requirements for vaccination certificates and the resumption of international travel amid the ongoing pandemic.

The leaders of the G20 following the sixteenth summit, which took place in Rome from October 30 to 31, adopted a final communiqué. The G20 agreed on measures to combat the coronavirus pandemic, economic challenges, global warming, and illegal migration flows, follows from the document.

Top issues include general requirements for vaccination certificates and the resumption of international travel amid the ongoing pandemic.

Basic agreements

About the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • ensure general access to coronavirus vaccines and medicines

  • ensure common standards for international travel, including requirements for vaccination certificates

  • vaccinate 70 percent of their population by mid-2022

  • Reduce the time to develop vaccines in a pandemic from 300 to 100 days

About the economy:

  • confront global challenges affecting the economy

  • fight cross-border corruption and tax and havens

  • rebuild the economy after the pandemic

  • organize a fast and sustainable tourism recovery

  • strive to resume international travel

  • avoid untimely abandonment of support measures

About ecology:

About energy:

  • to establish a dialogue between producers and consumers

  • explore opportunities to improve energy security

About migration issues:

  • take steps to integrate migrants

  • prevent the flow of illegal immigrants, including smuggling

The G20 leaders stressed that economic activity in the world is recovering at a steady pace. They attributed the positive dynamics to accelerating vaccinations and political support.

Previously Correspondent.net explained why energy crisis threatens world economic crisis.

The G20 includes 19 countries from around the world with the most developed economies, as well as the European Union.

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