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FvDers do not want to adhere to rules and do not wear a mouth mask, Chamber displeased | Inland

Member of Parliament Jan Paternotte of D66 asked FvD member Wybren van Haga whether he and his party members would stay at home if they have complaints. After all, party leader Baudet, absent for some time, had confirmed earlier in the day that he had had corona ‘or another flu’. Other employees had also fallen ill after a wine tasting in the group wing.

Van Haga disputed that FvD’ers endanger others. “We have the policy: if you are sick, you stay at home.” Because Baudet was addressed personally, he was allowed to defend himself in the Chamber, even though he did not participate in the debate about the corona policy. “I have never been here at any time while I had a cough or was snotty.”

Pats on the back

Paternotte pointed out that MPs and employees of FvD do not comply with the rules in the House of Representatives. They walk around without masks and do not keep their distance. The VVD and the PvdD agreed with Paternotte’s words. After his speech, Baudet patted Paternotte on the back. According to the Democrat, the Forum leader crossed a line with this. “It is one thing that the infected person taps me. What I find really unacceptable is that Baudet stands against employees of the chamber building or jumps into the elevator without a mask. ”

Baudet had previously encountered such a touch on a complaint from a messenger. During the debate about the formation’s failed reconnaissance phase, he touched the messenger who came to decontaminate the pulpit. “We sent that messenger a bunch of flowers,” says Baudet.

To pat Patenotte on the back, Van Haga apologized to the Chamber on Wednesday evening. “Nothing human is alien to us. The gesture was meant to be kind. ” He stated: “We don’t use masks, but otherwise we stick to the rules here.”


Earlier this Wednesday, Chamber president Vera Bergkamp stopped the debate about the formation to call Baudet to order on this point. Some MPs had expressed their concerns to her about the possible contagiousness of Baudet. She asked the FvD leader to explain himself in more detail in the Chamber. “As far as I know I don’t have a corona and I feel good,” said Baudet.

Baudet says he has not heard any complaints that the wine tasting would have gotten out of hand. “I was home on time and as far as I know the rest were too. But I’ll ask. By the way, it was not a wine tasting, but a group meeting with three types of wine and some bruschetta. ”


The only conflict with Chamber staff that Baudet says he can think of is about wearing mouth masks. “We have been somewhat fanatically pointed this out. We have indicated to the President of the House that we, our employees and our guests do not want to wear mouth masks. There is yet to be a conversation about that. In the meantime, I have noticed a change in behavior, because we are no longer held accountable for it. ”

Chamber chairman Bergkamp says he has not yet received a formal request. “If there is, I will discuss it in the presidium (the executive committee of the House of Representatives).”

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