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Futuroscope hotels call on communities for help

They are worried about the hoteliers of Futuroscope, near Poitiers! With the health crisis, they still do not know when they can reopen. However, most arrive at the end of cash. Of course, state aid has arrived, but for “jumbo” establishments with more than 90 rooms, (and this is what is mostly found on the technopole), these grants only arrived at the end of 2020 (November-December). Aid which makes it possible to pay fixed current charges, but not loans or investments.

Hotels that contribute to regional dynamism

In this area, there are eight large hotels, 1,500 rooms. Franchisees, establishments run by small groups or family groups from Vienna. And for Hugues Baalouch, president of the UMIH, union of hoteliers in Vienne, this specificity must be taken into account.

“If we sink tomorrow, the big hotels will undoubtedly be bought by Parisian or foreign groups who will arrive with their own partners and who will pay their taxes elsewhere”

The local president of the UMIH recalls that these hotels employ Poitevins, that they employ local artisans and thatthey pay tax in Vienna. Hence his appeal for help launched to local communities.

State aid will not be enough

At present half of the hotels are closed, those which open do so with 50 or even 70% of the staff less, the other employees being on partial unemployment. With the confinement, the establishments could only open seven, nine months in 2020. Some of them show losses of 300 to 500,000 euros. And 2021, begins with three months of closure.

A call launched in Grand Poitiers

For Hugues Baalouch, state aid, banking arrangements and regional stimulus plans will not be enough to fill everything. The president of the UMIH in Vienne, therefore calls for help to local communities and ask them in particular to make a gesture on the CFE, the land contribution of companies (sort of housing tax for hotels). And especially in Grand Poitiers, on which Chasseneuil du Poitou depends, the town where the hotels and the Futuroscope technology park are located.

If Grand Ghâtellerault and Haut-Poitou played the game by proposing an abatement or an abolition of this contribution, Grand Poitiers and other intercommunalities have passed by of the measure put in place by the State last summer, either for lack of time or for lack of knowledge.

“I do not imagine that we are made to pay twelve months of contributions when we have only worked seven or nine months, the maximum. We need a strong gesture if the local communities want us to remain standing “

The measure which made it possible to eliminate the CFE is no longer applicable today, but Hugues Baalouch asks this that the communities return to them part of the contribution paid in the form of subsidies. In any case, for him, we must think about effective and lasting solutions. And “It’s urgent”, according to him.

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