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Future Samsung watches could revolutionize control

The Korean Samsung is not too afraid of introducing new hardware technologies into mass production, as evidenced by the production of flexible phones in recent months and years. Recently boasted also by the constant development of flexible display panels, so he certainly has big plans. A recently discovered patent indicates that he may intend to use it non-traditional display also for Galaxy Watch smart watches. Specifically, a scrolling and sliding display.

The drawings, traditionally scratched and eye-catching by the LetsGoDigital editorial office, depict at first glance an ordinary watch with a round display. But more pictures reveal that the device should have two semicircular displays that would unfold from the center out. This is either by pressing the softkey or by using the side physical crown. In the middle between these halves would reportedly even it could be a camera or more.

The patent provides for that the display area would increase by about 40% after unrolling, the two halves being able to be rolled up and pulled out separately. This could be useful, for example, when displaying the application at the top and the controls at the bottom. LetsGoDigital notes that this is about unusually detailed patent (has 96 pages), which also addresses the control and other aspects of use in detail. Would Samsung really have this watch ready?

What would you say about such a watch design?

Source: LGD

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