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Future Lombez hospital: “The first cranes should be in place at the end of 2025”

the essentials Five months after his arrival at the helm of the Lombez hospital, Philippe Calmette announces progress in the bogged down file for the future hospital. He confirms that work could begin as early as 2025.

“We are holding the 2nd steering committee on October 9. And at the end of December, the last meeting will be decision-making. » Upon his arrival at the management of the Lombez hospital, Philippe Calmette announced his intention to step on the accelerator, to advance the file for the future hospital, and beyond that, the entire health plan for the L sector ‘Isle-Jourdain, Gimont, Lombez and Samatan.

Also read:
“We must stop wasting time”: a new director to take over the ambitious Lombez hospital project

“This first meeting, by bringing together all the stakeholders – mayors, departmental council, ARS leaders, etc. – allows the rest of the procedure to go faster: everyone is at the same level of information. » Nine health items were presented on July 12, including the future local hospital, the nursing homes of tomorrow, multidisciplinary health homes (MSP), home services, laboratory and radiology issues, etc. “It will be necessary to adjust a response for each of these subjects that corresponds to local health needs. »

Define needs

October 9, 2nd copy, which will be a progress point for the studies carried out on the 9 items. Decisions on the programming of this future local health plan will be taken at the end of the 3rd meeting, in December. “It is at this moment that we will decide on the outline of the hospital and its services, but also on the nursing homes and their content: night reception, day reception, social services, etc. And more broadly, we will decide on the promotion and locations of MSPs, or the extension of the field of intervention of home hospitalization, etc. »

2025 will see the deployment of the arrested programs. “The first cranes should be in place for the new hospital, and at the Lombez and L’Isle-Jourdain nursing homes,” assures Philippe Calmette, who saw the credits and subsidies confirmed.

Local schema

“The reconstruction project is not just about walls, it is also about rethinking care,” insists Serge Foursans, former hospital director. Now a consultant, he works on defining local needs and the most appropriate responses. With Philippe Calmette, he carried out a diagnosis of the situation to present the main strategic orientations, a real health plan.

“There is an issue of staying at home and returning home. When a patient arrives in a hospital in the area, for scheduled or unscheduled care, you will need to know how to prepare for their return and keeping them at home in the best conditions. » This is to avoid unnecessary hospitalizations. Discussions are underway with SIADs, community doctors, home hospitalization services, etc. so that everyone can take ownership of the subject.

Residences: the missing link

One of the points under consideration in the basin is, concerning alternative accommodation, a real missing link. Where to go, when you no longer feel independent enough to live alone, but too much to go to a nursing home? “There is no independent residence, like in Auch, in this sector of the Gers, and very little inclusive housing,” analyzes Serge Foursans. They must be developed, and the reconstruction of the Lombez nursing home is an opportunity to work with the private sector. »

Not just any private person, tempers Philippe Calmette. “These are private, non-profit organizations! If we push this issue in the coming months – and we will – it will be towards associations, mutual societies, foundations. You should absolutely avoid a commercial actor. » “We are talking here, as with the hospital, about a project for everyone, otherwise we lose our initial values,” assures Serge Foursans.

“It’s a reorganization of the health area”, for Jean-Pierre Cot, the mayor of Lombez

The mayor of Lombez Jean-Pierre Cot. DDM archives

The Lombez hospital project was in trouble, to the point that many had doubts about maintaining subsidies. What is your view of the current situation?

As a local elected official, I am very satisfied that the lines have moved, that things are moving forward and above all that there is a real territorial project that is being carried out. I think I can also speak for my elected colleagues, the mayors of Samatan, Gimont and L’Isle-Jourdain, who are fully satisfied with the work carried out with Mr. Calmette, in collaboration, and in a very peaceful manner! The new director has brought a lot of serenity to the operation of the Lombez hospital and to the project.

The file received strong support from the ARS at the highest regional level. Is this still the case?

The regional director, Didier Jaffre, was present at the meeting on July 12. He reminded everyone that the project was and would remain on two sites: construction of the hospital and renovation of the nursing home. This is the only mission entrusted to the director. For the content of the file, it is up to health professionals and managers to build it, but Philippe Calmette involved everyone in the process: the mayors, the ARS, even the director of the Auch hospital.

How is the medical content of the project defined?

We will stay on the land that had been designated and acquired by the hospital. The study is launched to identify local needs and calibrate responses. The file is progressing well, Mr. Calmette’s involvement and professionalism are not unrelated to the progress we are making. We are going to propose a real reorganization of the health plan for the south-eastern fringe of the department, including all local hospital establishments. I am thinking here of Gimont, L’Isle-Jourdain. Today it is a question of thinking locally, and not in terms of one-off solutions, to meet the expectations of the population.

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