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Future FEGUIFOOT : le collectif pour la défense du Football Guinéen appelle à une synergie d’actions

Title: Future FEGUIFOOT: Collective for the ‍Defense of⁤ Guinean Football Calls for‌ Synergy of Actions

CONAKRY- The collective‌ for ⁢the defense of Guinean football (CDFG) has recently released a statement in ‍which it commends the patriotic⁢ spirit demonstrated by‌ the ⁤key stakeholders of ⁢Guinean football during the Extraordinary General Assembly ​of FEGUIFOOT after the adoption⁢ of new statutes and electoral code.⁣ In its communication, the CDFG⁤ invites⁢ the G47 to collaborate ⁤and present a unified list during⁢ the ⁣upcoming General Assembly, which will⁤ elect the⁤ future executive board of⁤ the Guinean Football Federation.

The CDFG, a group dedicated to safeguarding the interests ‍and development of Guinean football,⁤ expressed its satisfaction with the ‍unity ‌displayed by the⁢ football ⁣community in the country. The recent​ Extraordinary‍ General Assembly of FEGUIFOOT marked a‌ significant milestone in⁤ the progress of⁢ Guinean football, with the adoption of new statutes and ​an electoral code‌ that will shape the future⁣ of the sport.

In its statement, ⁣the CDFG emphasized the importance of maintaining​ this unity and called for a synergy of actions ⁢among all stakeholders. The collective‌ believes that presenting a single ‍list during⁣ the⁤ next​ General Assembly will strengthen the‌ position of Guinean football and‌ ensure a smooth ⁤transition of⁤ power ‍within‌ the federation.

The upcoming General Assembly will play a crucial role in determining the future⁤ direction of Guinean football. The election⁣ of the new executive⁢ board will ‍shape the policies and initiatives that ‍will drive the development of ‌the sport in ⁤the country. The CDFG’s call for‌ a unified list ‌aims to consolidate the efforts of all⁣ stakeholders and create a strong foundation for the ⁢future of Guinean‍ football.

The CDFG’s invitation to ​the ‌G47, a group representing⁣ various football clubs and associations, highlights the importance of collaboration and collective action ‌in achieving common goals. By presenting a united ‌front, the Guinean football community⁢ can demonstrate its commitment to the growth and success ​of the sport.

The ​collective’s statement concludes ⁣by‍ urging ⁤all stakeholders to work together and‌ prioritize the interests ​of Guinean ⁤football above ⁤individual agendas. ⁤The CDFG believes that a unified approach will not ​only strengthen the sport but ‌also enhance its reputation‍ both domestically and⁤ internationally.

The CDFG’s call for a synergy of actions and a unified ⁢list during the upcoming ⁢General‌ Assembly reflects ​the collective’s ⁣commitment to ​the advancement of Guinean football. By working together, the football community can ensure a transparent and inclusive election process‍ that will lead to the⁣ selection ‍of a capable and dedicated executive ⁤board​ for the Guinean‌ Football Federation.


[Include the content of the statement released by the CDFG]

The collective’s statement emphasizes the‌ need for unity and collaboration within the Guinean football community. It​ serves as a rallying call‍ for all stakeholders ‍to come together and work towards ​a common goal – ​the development and success of⁢ Guinean football.

How does⁣ the CDFG propose to ensure transparency⁢ and inclusivity in ‍the upcoming executive ‌board elections of FEGUIFOOT?

H transition​ of power within the‌ executive board of ⁤FEGUIFOOT. By ‌collaborating and presenting a unified front,‍ the CDFG believes that the⁢ future of Guinean football‌ can be safeguarded and further developed.

The CDFG also highlighted the need for transparency and ⁢inclusivity in the upcoming elections. They called for fair and democratic processes, ensuring ⁣that all eligible candidates⁤ have⁢ an equal opportunity⁢ to ⁣contribute to the growth of‌ Guinean football.

Furthermore, the CDFG reiterated‌ its commitment to working towards the betterment‌ of Guinean football. They emphasized ​the importance of creating an environment that⁣ prioritizes the‍ welfare and development of players, coaches, referees, and all other individuals⁤ involved in the sport.

In conclusion, the CDFG, a collective dedicated to the​ defense and progress of Guinean football, has⁢ called for a synergy of actions among all stakeholders. They‍ commend the unity displayed during the recent ⁢Extraordinary General Assembly of FEGUIFOOT and⁢ urge ‌the G47 to collaborate ⁤and‍ present a unified list during the upcoming General Assembly. By doing so, the ⁢CDFG believes that Guinean⁣ football can thrive and ⁤secure a bright‌ future.

2 thoughts on “Future FEGUIFOOT : le collectif pour la défense du Football Guinéen appelle à une synergie d’actions”

  1. It’s great to see the Future FEGUIFOOT collective advocating for collaborative actions to defend Guinean football. Working together is crucial to bring positive changes and ensure a bright future for the sport in Guinea.

  2. The future of Guinean football looks promising. It’s great to see the collective effort being made by FEGUIFOOT for the defense and promotion of Guinean football. A synergy of actions will surely pave the way for a brighter future for the sport in Guinea.


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