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Future Captain America film causes a stir in Lebanon, 40 years after the Sabra and Shatila massacre

Production company Marvel Studio has just revealed the first images of its new superhero movie, expected for 2024, “Captain America 4: New World Order”. Since then, Lebanese social networks have been on fire.

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Published on 09/18/2022 10:21

Reading time: 1 minute.

In the trailer for this new film, we discover a new superheroine, played by Israeli actress Shira Haas. She is wearing a blue and white dress with a large Star of David on her chest. You are a former Mossad agent turned vigilante. A priori she is not enough to please the Lebanese, who are still officially at war with their southern neighbor. All films with Israeli actors are systematically banned from cinemas.

But what particularly reacted and even scandalized some Internet users was the name of this new character: Sabra. Because in Lebanon it is the name of a Palestinian refugee camp, and above all the site of a massacre, that of Sabra and Chatila. The timing is also particularly poorly chosen: Lebanon commemorates the 40th anniversary of the tragedy this weekend. Thousands of Palestinians coldly executed by Christian militias during the civil war, with the at least passive complicity of the Israeli army. Those responsible for the massacre were never tried. For many Internet users, the name of this new Israeli character, Sabra, is therefore an insult to the memory of the victims.

Sabra first appeared in a Marvel comic released in 1980. Scrolling through this old comic, we find a Sabra chasing the Incredible Hulk. But there are also some racist outings, including a character of an Arab child, presented as an illiterate thief … In a comic bubble, this guy offers a somewhat naïve analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with these words : “Our peoples could have shared this land if two very old books hadn’t told them to kill each other.” Words that therefore rather support the pacification between Israelis and Arabs …

It remains to be seen how this comic will be updated and adapted to cinema .Réponse in 2024.

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