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Furious For Goat Transport, Village Ambulance Is Pulled By Deputy Regent

A village ambulance was used to transport goats in Lumajang that were uploaded by netizens on its social media (Screenshot of Lumajang Deputy Social media).

Otomania.com – Furious after knowing ambulance the village is used to transport two goats.

What’s more the ambulance came from the assistance program provided Lumajang Regency Government for the village community.

Eventually the Deputy Regent of Lumajang Indah Amperawati withdrew an ambulance belonging to Sukorejo Village, Kunir District, Lumajang, East Java the.

Launching from Kompas.com, according to Indah, it is not fitting for a village ambulance that is intended to bring sick people to use other things, let alone transporting goats.

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“Village ambulances used to transport temporary goats are pulled first and the village head will be inspected by the inspectorate,” he said, Saturday (6/27/2020).

Not only that, to avoid a similar case from happening again, his side has also instructed the local camat to conduct coaching.

“Later, the sub-district head must provide guidance so that the embarrassing incident will not recur,” he explained.

Beautiful explained, the purpose of giving ambulances to each village was aimed at facilitating the community in accessing health services.

Therefore, in its use there are rules that must be obeyed and cannot be arbitrary.

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