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Funny and Dramatic Tales from a Clinic Waiting Room

Now I’m thinking of visiting this kind and cozy place more often.

I am 47 years old and I rarely go to the clinic. Fortunately, my health rarely lets me down, I work unofficially, so I don’t need any sick leave.

But then I started to feel bad. Pain in the spine, weakness, drowsiness and shortness of breath when moving up the stairs suddenly began. This didn’t happen before.

I wouldn’t go for help myself, but my roommate insisted. He says that now new types of mutating virus are roaming the world, and it is necessary to receive treatment as soon as symptoms appear. Otherwise, the consequences may be irreversible.

In general, my Yasha scared me, and I went to the therapist. They prescribed me a whole sheet for testing, and also offered me a free medical examination.

Again, my caring man said: “Go ahead and sing.” I felt glad that there was someone to take care of me. I myself understood that it was better to check everything right away and improve my health, since it made itself felt.

The only negative of this whole medical event is the constant and terrible queues. I could arrive at the appointed time and wait under the office for another hour, because a doctor without a nurse does not have time to serve patients on time.

There were times when especially gifted patients skipped the queue, under the pretext of “just asking.” They go into the office and disappear for 40 minutes.

I was not released from work during the entire examination. The time that I spent within the walls of the clinic, I then had to work off.

Of course, I didn’t want to waste precious hours, but there was no way I could move the line. But in the moments of waiting, I heard a lot of interesting, but at times dramatic stories.

There were elderly women who went to the clinic as if they were going to work. The staff almost salutes them and is interested in their grandchildren or successes in the garden.

And this is additional time, which essentially does not exist. Once I even got into a funny situation myself.

I stood in line to donate blood. People came more and more actively, as if the entire area had been scheduled for tests for one day. The woman came with a little girl, whom she would later take to kindergarten.

– Excuse me, who’s last? – asked the young mother.
– Behind me was a grandmother in a colorful blouse, – I answered friendly.
– Actually, I’m not a grandmother! – the elderly lady objected to me.

I felt a little embarrassed, thinking I had offended her. I was already preparing to make excuses, when suddenly the woman continued:

– I’ve been a great-grandmother for three years now! And my daughter is 54 years old.

The whole line smiled and, without saying a word, applauded her. Only the little girl widened her eyes and carefully asked her mother: “Is it possible for a daughter to be so old?”

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2023-10-03 20:16:14

#left #clinic #full #package #impressions

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