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Funke Media Group Acquires YesWeCancer Organization to Enhance Cancer Communication

Funke takes over companies from the YesWeCancer organization.

Cancer communication: The Funke media group takes over yeswecan!-GmbH & Co. KGthe company behind the cancer self-help network YesWeCancer. The company will be docked organizationally to Funke’s magazine column. Founder Jörg A. Hoppe remains on board as managing director and creative head. Becomes second managing director Matthias Sandner, head of the digital magazine department at Funke. Funke publisher Julia Becker and head of communications Tobias Korenke have been committed to the initiative for a long time, and Funke was also a partner at the past Yes!Con conferences.

From the archive: “As soon as those affected talk about it, the fear becomes less” – Tobias Korenke in the turi2 podcast about cancer and communication.

2023-10-15 13:16:40
#Funke #takes #companies #YesWeCancer #organization #turi2

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