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Funeral of Alain Delon: arrival of Mgr Di Falco and the hearse


Alain Delon died on August 18th surrounded by his loved ones and his children in Douchy.

This Saturday, August 24, the funeral of the legendary actor will take place, hosted by a very special person.

This is Mgr Di Falco, who notably performed the funeral… of Mireille Darc.


Died on August 18, Alain Delon will be buried this Saturday, August 24, in the strictest privacy, surrounded by his loved ones. The ceremony, which will begin at 5 p.m., will be led by a celebrity personality: Bishop Di Falco. If Alain Delon personally chose to ask Jean-Michel Di Falco for his funeral, it is because the latter has already organized the funeral of a person who will remain forever in the actor’s mind: Mireille Darc.

Mgr Di Falco arrived this Saturday, August 24, early afternoon in Douchyat the place where Alain Delon’s relatives, like the man of faith, will say a final goodbye in a few hours to one of the most emblematic actors of French cinema. He should speak, before the ceremony, with the children of the late actor: Anthony, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien

The last goodbye to Alain Delon

This Saturday, August 24, is set to remain forever as the day of the last goodbye to Alain Delon. Died on August 18ththe legendary actor leaves behind a considerable cinematic legacy. While he spent a long time preparing for what he imagined would be his last day, Alain Delon wanted to name a very specific person to host his funeral ceremony. Thus, the French actor had set his sights on Mgr Di Falco. Jean-Michel, his first name, is one of the most famous men of faith in France.

Mgr Di Falco owes his fame in particular to his past in terms of celebrities. Burial of Mireille Darc and Valéry Giscard d’EstaingPascal Obispo’s wedding: the stars consider him and visibly, the man of faith returns the favor. It is particularly for this reason that Alain Delon seems to have given him all his trust in advance to animate the symbolic moment of his funeral.

Florian Poitout / ABACAPRESS

He was among the first to arrive in Douchy

Alain Delon had a choice: that of being buried in Douchyin his permanent residence, where he took his last breath. Mgr Di Falco arrived there early in the afternoon this Saturday, August 24, accompanied by the hearse that will bring the body of Alain Delon. The time has now come for the final preparations for the ceremony.

This will be held from 5pm this Saturday, August 24 and should welcome the relatives, the faithful and the exceptional guests of Alain Delon’s funeral. All will salute one last time the one who, with Jean-Paul Belmondoin particular, will remain as one of the emblematic cinema men in the entire history of French cinema.

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