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Funeral instead of a wedding! Cancer took Freje’s second love

That nightmare came true. After Freja his wife died in her arms Věra Galatíková († 69) for lung cancer, the actor was convinced that such a hell could no longer come. But it came. Gabina, with whom he lived for 12 years, contracted breast cancer five years ago. He had to undergo surgery and subsequent irradiation. “That should have been enough,” the actor wished. Unfortunately, his wishes remained unheard …

They had rings

A few months passed, and last autumn, Gabin’s doctors found a malignant tumor in her pancreas. “They operated on me at the Na Homolce Hospital for eight hours and took my entire pancreas. This, of course, was followed by chemotherapy. It was a pretty cruel period. And worse than I, Lada endured it. I understand that, he experienced hell with Věra, “she entrusted the daily Aha! then Gabina, with Frej asking for her hand, knelt in the hospital just before the operation.

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The date of the wedding is said to be determined according to the results of the CT. But they were still fine, so the date of the wedding finally fell. “Summer is a beautiful time to party. We already have a wedding dress and Gábinka and I have already chosen the rings. And I’m really looking forward to it. And I was convinced that I would not get into the chomout for the fifth time, “Frej laughed in June.

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