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Fundraiser Held at Food Truck to Honor Construction Worker Miguel Luna, Victim of Key Bridge Collapse

Baltimore Holds Fundraiser Honoring Construction Worker Miguel Luna

Baltimore Holds Fundraiser Honoring Construction Worker Miguel Luna

Recovering from Tragedy: Community Comes Together to Support Luna Family

BALTIMORE ― The family and friends of Miguel Luna, an El Salvadorian construction worker who tragically lost his life in the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse, gathered for a heartfelt fundraiser in Anne Arundel County today. The event took place at the food truck, owned by Miguel and his wife Carmencita Luna, a business that held the dreams and aspirations of the couple for years.

An Unbearable Wait Comes to an End

After an agonizing five weeks, recovery teams were able to locate and collect the body of the 49-year-old construction worker, Miguel Luna. The devastating collapse took the life of Luna and five other workers, leaving behind a void that can never be filled. Luna’s stepdaughter, Ester Perez, expressed the immense sadness and hardship endured by the family during this difficult time.

Supporting a Community Hero

Overwhelmed with grief and gratitude, Ester spoke with WJZ about the immense support they have received from their community. Luna’s stepdaughter voiced her sentiments regarding the community’s irreplaceable loss, emphasizing her stepfather’s status as a hero in their community and their home country of El Salvador.

“I just want to say he was a hero to the community, and for us. Also, back in our country he was a hero too,” Perez said. Meanwhile, Carmen, Luna’s wife, described her late husband as “the best man in the world” and encouraged others to cherish and support their families in the same way.

Promising a Sustained Commitment to the Affected Families

Governor Wes Moored issued a statement on Wednesday, promising unwavering support to all families affected by the Key Bridge collapse. Ensuring a dignified and comprehensive closure, the governor re-emphasized their relentless search and recovery efforts to bring solace to the grieving families. It is a commitment that will not waver, as every victim deserves respect and resolution.

Continuing the Legacy through Support

At the fundraiser event, family and friends, as well as sympathetic members of the wider community, donated generously to provide the needed assistance for Luna’s wife and their three children. Gatherings such as these serve as a testament to the solidarity that exists, strengthening bonds and providing a platform for individuals to express their solidarity during times of tragedy.

A Death that Struck a Community

Carmencita Luna revealed that Miguel had been living in Maryland for nearly two decades and was beloved by the community at large. His contributions have been cherished, and his legacy will continue to inspire others in the face of adversity.

As the support continues to pour in, the Luna family remains appreciative of the love, care, and financial assistance provided by everyone. It is through this type of support that families can gradually heal and move forward, even in the darkest of times.

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