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Funda: flattening or fall in house prices is still a long way off

Housing search site Funda has recently started researching the sentiment among visitors to the site. And Funda deduces from this that a fall in house prices is unlikely in the short term.

“As it looks now, demand remains high and home seekers remain active, while the intention to sell decreases,” said Funda CEO Quintin Schevernels. “For now it seems that a flattening or slight fall in house prices is still a long way off.”

Favorable sales market

Funda asks visitors whether they think the current market is favorable for buying or selling a home. In October, 86 percent said it a favorable sales market especially because homes are sold quickly and you get a good price for your home.

On the other hand, only 15 percent think it is a favorable buying market. The main reasons: the high prices and the small supply of housing.

“It is really striking that despite this lack of confidence, the corona crisis and the strong economic consequences, more people are planning to buy a home,” says Schevernels. In October there were slightly more people who wanted to buy a home than in September. “In spite of everything, demand remains structurally higher than supply.”

Buy first, then sell

Funda has been conducting the research since July. And since that month, the number of visitors planning to sell a home has steadily declined. People also increasingly want to buy a new house before selling their old house.

Funda emphasizes that the survey is not representative for the whole of the Netherlands because it takes place among site visitors. But according to Funda it is suitable for charting the sentiments and trends in the housing market.

House prices have continued to rise since the corona crisis. Real estate association NVM reported last month that house prices in the third quarter rose by 11.6 percent compared to a year earlier. The NVM largely owns Funda.

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