Functional foods, particularly those containing probiotics and prebiotics, may help reduce the severity and duration of COVID-19 symptoms, according to a review published in the journal Nutrients. The review highlighted the potential of polyphenols, flavonoids, curcumin, zinc, vitamins C, E, and D as key components of functional foods with antiviral properties. It also highlighted the importance of gut health in enhancing the immune response to COVID-19 and reducing susceptibility to the virus. The review noted that the COVID-19 virus may significantly impact the digestive system due to its binding to ACE2 receptors within the gut and the resultant dysbiosis as well as associated markers of inflammation, particularly cytokines. Several bacterial species found to be depleted in similar inflammatory disorders were also identified as potentially responsive to probiotic interventions, including B. adolescentis, F. prausnitzii, E. rectale, R. (Blautia) obeum, and D. formicigenerans.
The researchers highlighted the need for further research, particularly randomized controlled trials with high levels of control to prove causality, to establish the influence of the microbiome and the COVID-19 virus in terms of the proven mechanisms of action. They also emphasized the need for toxicological evaluation to determine the optimal dosage and safe administration of functional foods.
Functional foods have been established to influence the immune system and mediate anti-viral function. However, their potential against viral onset and subsequent symptoms against COVID-19 requires scientific claims and optimization to establish their role in therapeutics.
In recent times, there has been an increased interest in targeting gut health in functional foods due to its essential role in the immune system. As a result, pre- and probiotic consumption has been linked to improved microbial diversity and subsequently the immune response. Despite the hypothesis that probiotics and other functional foods can reduce the severity and duration of COVID-19, there is limited evidence to support this.
The review sought to gather available evidence on the effects of the virus on the gut microbiome and assess the potential for biotics such as pre-and probiotics as nutritional interventions to reduce susceptibility to the virus. It identified that the COVID-19 virus may significantly impact the digestive system due to its binding to ACE2 receptors in the gut.
The report stressed the need for research to establish the influence of the microbiome and the COVID-19 virus in terms of the proven mechanisms of action, utilizing randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with high levels of control to prove causality. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose a threat to global public health, natural food compounds and functional foods may play a significant role in enhancing the immune response to the virus and reducing susceptibility to severe disease outcomes.