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Fully automatic claims management: speed is the key

1.3.2021 – The settlement of motor vehicle damage should be done ever faster and more automatically. Service providers play a crucial role in this. However, lawyers are critical of digital regulation. It could deprive customers of their rights, because the insurers can influence the scope of benefits through quick regulation. This is especially true when it comes to an accident through no fault of your own.

Accident and instant cash. R + V Allgemeine Versicherung AG “> has this future of motor vehicle claims settlementR + V Versicherung AG now presented to the public. In the future, accident victims can choose with one click whether they want money or a repair. Anyone who chooses financial compensation should receive instructions within a few hours.

That sounds seductive. But the driver cannot check whether the sum has actually been calculated correctly. “An inspection by an expert is no longer necessary,” says R + V. If photos are missing, the customer can take them on his smartphone and send them to the insurer via the app.

Artificial intelligence determines the loss forecast

The insurance company promises that anyone who does not want to “fictitiously” bill their accident damage will receive the green light for the repair within a few minutes after a phone call. The service provider for the new digital claims management is Carexpert Kfz-Experts GmbH. It creates the damage forecast using artificial intelligence.

The automatic report should take into account 800 different parameters such as wages, repair, painting and spare parts items. The service provider also has a speed check for claims settlement Controlexpert GmbH developed. The company is majority owned by the second largest motor insurer Allianz Insurance AG.

For years, motor insurers have been taking the affected vehicles to their partner workshops after accidents. Large workshop networks operate the Huk-Coburg-Allgemeine Versicherungs AG, the Innovation Group Germany GmbH, Allianz, in cooperation with the Bavarian Insurance Chamber and the ADAC Autoversicherung AG such as DMS-Germany GmbH and Riparo GmbH.

Workshop partners of the insurers receive a higher utilization rate due to accident damage. However, you have to accept significantly lower hourly billing rates if you want to work with a car insurer.

20 percent savings for insurers

Due to the corona crisis, the accidents are according to the Federal Statistical Office Declined by almost 16 percent in 2020.

Therefore, the repair shops currently have their backs to the wall. According to the calculation of the body and paint market portal Schaden.news In comparison to the previous year, the industry lacks a repair volume of up to 1.1 billion euros in the first eleven months of 2020 alone.

Thanks to fast claims management, insurers save around 20 percent in costs per claim. But their service is getting better and better. More than 40 motor vehicle insurers want to offer so-called claims tracking by the summer. It was developed by the Innovation Group.

This means that those who have suffered an accident can always follow exactly how far the claims settlement is.

“Amazon” feeling when settling claims

The service that works like posttracking is currently available from WWK Allgemeine Versicherung AG. Start in April Continentale Sachversicherung AG and the Ergo Insurance AG.

The Innovation Group controls around 300 claims in the partner workshops of the insurers every day. Comprehensive customers who have agreed to a discounted workshop agreement accept control of the accident vehicle in a partner workshop of the insurer.

As a rule, the insured receive additional service benefits in addition to the new claims tracking. The vehicle is usually brought to the workshop and back to the customer. During the repair period, you will receive a replacement car free of charge.

Lawyers recommend the injured party to use their own expert

The amount of damage may also be allowed in the case of comprehensive damage according to the Working group traffic law of the German Lawyers’ Association (DAV) can be determined by an expert from the insurer.

It is different with an involuntary motor vehicle liability claim. “Here you don’t have to rely on a cooperation partner for the insurer, like Dekra eV or Carexpert, ”says the DAV. It would be better to contact a local traffic lawyer, who can also appoint an expert.

Lawyers warn of unjustified cuts

Cheaper and faster processing is one side of the coin. The other side, in the opinion of critics, is a reduction in legitimate claims.

“The insurers are trying to push experts and lawyers out of the regulation completely by promising the accident victims a supposed all-round carefree package if the customer leaves everything to them,” says DAV lawyer Christian Janeczek from the firm Roth Partner law firm partner.

Checking services, which subsequently scrutinize the invoices from workshops and independent experts on behalf of the insurer, also cause trouble. “In the meantime, insurers almost always cut bills automatically. Nobody looks at it anymore, ”complains Dr. Matthias Köck, DAV traffic lawyer from the firm Ficht, Dr. Riding pike and colleagues.

Mostly it is about amounts of 100 euros or less. However, engaging a lawyer often fails because the amount in dispute is disproportionate to the effort involved. Damaged persons with traffic legal protection insurance could also collect small amounts risk-free after an accident. If necessary with a lawsuit.

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