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Full Staffing at Schools in Breisach, Ihringen, and Vogtsburg: No Vacant Teaching Positions for the New School Year

The schools in Breisach, Ihringen and Vogtsburg are well supplied with teachers. The positions could be filled at the beginning of the school year.

The schools in Breisach, Ihringen and Oberrotweil started the new school year without any vacant teaching positions. This emerges from a response from the Freiburg State School Office to BZ’s request. “We were able to fill all vacancies there at the beginning of the school year,” writes department head Ralf Feyrer.

Illness representatives

Of course, some students received their first substitute lessons because teachers were or were ill at the start of the school year. “We are currently having individual absences at schools in Breisach, Ihringen and Vogtsburg due to pregnancies and illness. Here we are providing follow-up care through sickness representatives,” says Ralf Feyrer. In the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district, there were 67 new hires and 53 annual contracts this year, according to the Freiburg regional council. This time, eight pensioners are among the teachers with an annual contract in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district. They teach in primary schools, secondary level 1, high schools and vocational schools.

In fact, according to the Freiburg regional council, only two positions remain unfilled in the entire Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district. This is relatively little – compared to rural regions such as those in the Waldshut or Tuttlingen districts, where a total of around 80 positions were not filled. The situation in terms of teaching provision remains tense due to a lack of applicants, according to the government council. “The biggest challenge is to find suitable teachers who are willing to work in rural areas,” said Government President Brbel Schäfer in a press release. The Freiburg area, on the other hand, which also includes Breisach, is popular with teachers as a place to live and work, as years of experience show – quite a few teachers in Breisach live in Freiburg.

Theresianum, Breisach

The principal of the Theresianum primary school, Martina Hohwieler, wrote at the BZ’s request: “All positions were filled, so that our team now consists of 17 colleagues, two trainees and a school dean.” The number of students in the two-tier school has increased this year. After there were rather small classes in previous years, 26 children were enrolled in the first classes at the start of the school year. There are a total of 180 students at Theresianum. The primary school support class is also full again.

Julius Leber School, Breisach

Headmistress Ellen Bastian said all positions at the Breisacher Community School were filled. There are currently 66 teachers on duty as well as 18 full-time employees who also support teaching – nine in primary school and nine in secondary school. 671 children currently attend the school. There are currently four colleagues and two church staff working for religion in the primary school in Gndlingen, there are 21 colleagues in the branch office on Maria-Montessori-Strasse Breisach and in the primary school area, and 41 in the secondary school, says Ellen Bastian.

Martin Schongauer High School

Anja Schreiner, headmaster at the Martin-Schongauer-Gymnasium (MSG), also reports that her school has a good supply of teachers. “All positions were filled,” said Schreiner. A total of 84 teachers currently teach at Breisacher High School. The number of classes remained unchanged at 23 plus the two course levels. There was a slight increase in the number of students: a total of 803 students started the new school year at the MSG.

Breisach trade school

There are 69 teachers teaching at the trade school in Breisach this school year, and all eight advertised positions have been filled, headmaster Sven Steinlein informs the BZ. This means that all compulsory hours can currently be covered. However, teachers are still urgently needed for German language classes in the first half of the school year, writes Steinlein. A total of 1,594 students (1,299 of them part-time) are taught in 63 classes at the school. That is around 50 more students than last year. The student who travels the furthest comes from East Frisia.

Wilhelm Hildenbrand School

Even in the much more rural Vogtsburg, the Wilhelm Hildenbrand School has been provided with 100 percent of the teaching hours it is entitled to since Friday, September 15th, writes school principal Sebastian Ruf to the BZ. At the primary school, 22 teachers teach 230 students in eleven classes. Last school year, 208 children attended the school in nine classes.

Albert School Ihringen

This school year, 16 teachers are teaching at the Ihringen Albert School, which offers special education. This meant that all positions could be filled, and there are currently no canceled classes, writes the acting headmaster Heike Gracki to the BZ. The school teaches 66 students in six classes, with the number of children being taught inclusively increasing, says Gracki.

Popular subjects

This school year there has been a great need in the Freiburg State School Office, especially in foreign languages. But sports, religious education and, in some cases, the natural sciences were also very popular.

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