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Full details of the deterioration of the health of the “Sayyid al-Qimni” and the Salafi slaughter in it

There was strong news about the deterioration of the health status of Dr. Syed Al-Qimni, a historical researcher who specializes in the philosophy of religions and history, and the publication of a number of his fans through their pages on social networking sites, words stating the decline in his health condition, and that he needs to “pray”, expressing their deep sorrow, because of the great deterioration in His eyesight, describing it as the great Egyptian thinker and spiritual teacher of all the free.

This comes at a time when a number of Salafi gatherings and leaderships announced that they were gloating, expressing their happiness at the decline of Qumni’s health, considering this as a punishment from God for his ideas and criticism of religion.

“The seventh day” made a call to “Al-Qimni”, in which he revealed his health condition, sending a message to his supporters and critics, saying: “A year ago my health condition was in decline and I stopped reading completely because of myopia in my eyes.”

Al-Qimni said in statements to “The Seventh Day”: “I had health problems in my eyes and my vision is very great, and I see very simple and I say to my beloved and my students, I will be fine, as I am taking treatment and thank you for your love.”

Regarding gloating about it, Al-Qimni explained: “It is very normal for the Brotherhood and the Salafists to smell in my person. These are a bad mixture writing about me not good words.” They see what is written about him on social media and pass it on to him because he is unable to read. “

“Al-Qemni” indicated that he stopped reading about a year ago because of his poor eyesight, adding: “I did not lose sight completely, as some people tried to promote this, but I still see a” sizzle “with my eyes.”

It is worth noting that “Al Qemni” has described the attack of the Salafi Da`wa on him two years ago as “Baloza”, stressing that he does not care about such matters.

Al-Qimni said in statements to “The Seventh Day”: “What the Salafists are doing is sweetness of spirit and soon they will finish, indicating that he was not preoccupied with what he called an attack on religious institutions.”

Al-Qimni confirmed that he is still retired from public life and lives far from society. “I handed the flag to the youth, and a while ago I was given a group of my students and loved ones, my efforts in scientific research, and my effort during 40 years, to complete the march after me, so all An era and a time for his people.

It is worth noting that Sheikh Abdel Moneim Al-Shahat, a spokesman for the Salafist Da`wa, launched a recent attack on secular people, headed by Sayyid al-Qumni, describing them as haters of Islamic heritage and al-Azhar al-Sharif.

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